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Fiduciarys Acceptance Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Geauga County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Fiduciarys Acceptance, 4.8, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Geauga
PROBATE COURT OF GEAUGA COUNTY, OHIO JUDGE TIMOTHY J GRENDELL ESTATE OF Case No. , DECEASED FIDUCIARY'S ACCEPTANCE (EXECUTOR � ADMINISTRATOR) I, the undersigned, hereby accept the duties which are required of me by law, and such additional duties as are ordered by the Court. As executor/administrator of the estate I will: 1) Give notice of the admission of the will to probate to all heirs and beneficiaries within 2 weeks and file a certificate of notice of probate of will within 2 months. Make and file any inventory of the real and personal assets of the estate within 3 months after appointment, or such time as extended by the Court. Deposit funds which come into my hands in a lawful depository located within this State. Estate checking accounts must provide canceled checks, as these canceled checks may be required to prove the accounts. Keep estate funds in separate estate accounts at all times during the administration of the estate. Invest all funds, in a lawful manner. Make and file the final and distributive account within 6 months following my appointment, or such time thereafter as extended by the Court. File all tax documents as required by law. Maintain adequate insurance to reasonably protect any property that I may hold as a fiduciary. Obey all Orders of the Court. Immediately notify the Probate Court if I change my address. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) I acknowledge that I am subject to removal as such fiduciary if I fail to perform such duties. I further acknowledge that I am subject to possible civil and criminal penalties for improper conversion of the property that I hold as a fiduciary. NOTICE: Attorney fees shall not be paid until the final account is prepared for filing unless otherwise approved by the Court. Every fiduciary, before entering upon execution of a trust, shall receive letters of appointment from a probate court having jurisdiction of the subject matter of the trust. [R.C. 2109.02]. DATE: (Executor/Administrator) 4.8 - FIDUCIARY'S ACCEPTANCE 2/10/03 American LegalNet, Inc.