Letters Of Authority Of Testamentary Trustee
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Letters Of Authority Of Testamentary Trustee Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Geauga County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Letters Of Authority Of Testamentary Trustee, 25.3, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Geauga
PROBATE COURT OF GEAUGA COUNTY, OHIO JUDGE TIMOTHY J. GRENDELL IN THE MATTER OF CASE NO. In the Matter of the TRUSTEESHIP OF } INVENTORY TRUSTEE'S INVENTORY Inventory of the Real and Personal Estate, with the value of the same, and the value of the yearly rent of the Real Estate belonging to Description of Personal Estate and Value thereof VALUE DOLLS. CTS. Description and Value of Real Estate and the Yearly Rents of Same VALUE DOLLS. CTS. TRUSTEE'S INVENTORY American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com RECAPITULATION Total value of Personal Estate ............................................................................................. $ Total value of Real Estate ................................................................................................... $ Yearly Rent of Real Estate.................................................................................................. $ AFFIDAVIT The State of Ohio, GEAUGA COUNTY. Trustee of being duly sworn, says that the foregoing is a full Inventory of the Real and Personal Estate of the said Trust Estate, with the knowledge. value of the same, and the value of the yearly rent of said Real Estate, according to the best of Sworn and subscribed to before me, this day of Judge Timothy J. Grendell Deputy Clerk 20 JUDGMENT ENTRY In the Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division GEAUGA COUNTY, Ohio In the Matter of the TRUSTEESHIP OF This day } 20 No. Orders on Filing Inventory as of Inventory, duly verified, as such . appeared in open Court and filed It is ordered that said Inventory, together with any material proceedings thereon, after being duly examined, be recorded in the records of this office. It is further ordered that said as such pay the costs herein, taxed at $ Judge Timothy J. Grendell American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com