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Application To Prepare Transcript Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Hamilton County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Application To Prepare Transcript, 200.30, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Hamilton
PROBATE COURT OF HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO RALPH WINKLER, JUDGE IN THE MATTER OF:______________________________________________________________________ Case No.:______________________ APPLICATION TO PREPARE TRANSCRIPTION I request that a transcript be prepared of the recorded hearing before Judge/Magistrate ___________________ (insert name) heard on _________________________________________________________________________________ (insert court date) The transcript is needed for a/n ___________________________________scheduled before Judge/Magistrate ___________________on _________________, 20__ . (insert name) (insert court date) (insert type of hearing) PLEASE MAKE THE APPROPRIATE SELECTIONS: _____ Original _____ Additional paper copy _____ Electronic Copy TRANSCRIPT PAGE RATES AS FOLLOWS: Regular Rate (more than 10 business days).. $4.50 per page 1 to 5 business day (s)..............................$5.95 per page 6 to 10 business days................................$5.45 per page *The fee for a copy of a prepared transcript is $0.15 per page for a paper copy or free for an electronic copy. PAYMENT Info: 100% of estimate must be paid by Pro SE individuals before work will begin on any transcript. You must contact the bailiff, within three days of filing this application, at (513) 946-3512 for payment arrangements and for any other questions regarding a transcript request. ______________________ Signature ________________________ Print Name _________________________ Daytime Phone (MUST PROVIDE) ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Email address Attorney License No. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY: ______ Minutes @ ____ $4.50 Regular Rate or $______ (expedited) Rate = TOTAL ESTIMATE: $__________ Deposit Required: $___________ Estimate provided by: __________________________ via phone on ___________. Estimate accepted for further processing: ___ YES ___NO on __________________. Deposit received on:___________________ Amount Received: $__________________ ORDER TO PREPARE TRANSCRIPT It is the order of this court that a transcript of the above hearing be prepared. All costs to be paid by applicant directly to the court reporter. The court reporter will require a deposit. This deposit must be paid directly to the court reporter. Failure to timely pay the fee may result in sanctions being issued by the court against the applicant that ordered the transcript. ________________________________ Ralph Winkler, Probate Judge H.C. FORM 200.30 - APPLICATION AND ORDER TO PREPARE TRANSCRIPTION American LegalNet, Inc. 3/25/15