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Civil Stalking Protection Order Exparte Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Hamilton County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Civil Stalking Protection Order Exparte, 10.03-E, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Hamilton
FORM 10.03-E: CIVIL STALKING PROTECTION ORDER OR CIVIL SEXUALLY ORIENTED OFFENSE PROTECTION ORDER EX PARTEIN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS COUNTY, OHIO Order of ProtectionCase No. Per R.C. 2903.214(F)(3), this Order is indexed at Judge CountyStateOHIO LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY WHERE INDEXED CIVIL STALKING PROTECTION ORDER EX PARTE(R.C. 2903.214) PHONE NUMBER CIVIL SEXUALLY ORIENTED OFFENSE PROTECTION ORDER EX PARTE (R.C. 2903.214) PETITIONER: PERSON(S) PROTECTED BY THIS ORDER: Petitioner:DOB: Petitioner222s Family or Household Member(s): DOB: First Middle Last DOB: DOB: v. DOB: RESPONDENT: RESPONDENT IDENTIFIERS SEXRACE HTWT EYESHAIRDATE OF BIRTH Last DRIVER222S LIC. NO. EXP. DATE STATE First Middle Distinguishing Features: WARNING TO LAW ENFORCEMENT: RESPONDENT HAS FIREARMS ACCESS 226 PROCEED WITH CAUTION(Violence Against Women Act, 18 U.S.C. 2265, Federal Full Faith & Credit Declaration: Registration of this Order is not required for enforcement.) THE COURT HEREBY FINDS: That it has jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter, and the Respondent will be provided with reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard within the time required by Ohio law. Additional findings of this Order are set forth below. THE COURT HEREBY ORDERS: That the above named Respondent be restrained from committing acts of abuse or threats of abuse against the Petitioner and otherprotected persons named in this Order, as set forth below. Additional terms of this Order are set forth below.The terms of this Order shall be effective until//(DATE CERTAIN). WARNING TO RESPONDENT: See the warning page attached to the front of this Order. FORM 10.03-E: CIVIL STALKING PROTECTION ORDER OR CIVIL SEXUALLY ORIENTED OFFENSE PROTECTION ORDER EX PARTEAmended: Discard all previous versions of this form American LegalNet, Inc. [Page 2of 4Form 10.03-E]Case No. This proceeding came on for an ex parte hearing on / / (Respondent not being present), upon the filing of a Petition by Petitioner for a civil stalking protection order or civil sexually oriented offense protection order against the Respondent, pursuant to R.C.2903.214. In accordance with R.C. 2903.214(D)(1),the Court held anex partehearing not later than thenext day that the Court was in sessionafter thePetition was filed. The Court finds that the protected persons herein are in immediate and present dangerofdomestic violence and for good cause shown, the following temporary orders are necessary to protect the persons named in this Order. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT ABUSE,harm, attempt to harm, threaten, follow, stalk, harass, force sexual relations upon, or commit sexually oriented offenses against the protected persons named in this Order.[NCIC 01 and 02] ALL OF THE PROVISIONS CHECKED BELOW ALSOAPPLY TO THE RESPONDENT 1. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT ENTER or interfere withthe residence, school, business, place of employment,day care centers, or child care providersof the protected persons named in this Order, including the buildings, grounds, and parking lots at those locations. Respondent may not violate this Order even with the permission of a protected person. [NCIC 04] 2. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT INTERFEREwith protected persons' right to occupy the residence including, but notlimited to canceling utilities or insuranceorinterrupting telephone service, mail delivery,or the delivery of any other documents or items. 3. RESPONDENT SHALL SURRENDER all keys and garage door openers to the following residence: at the earliest possible opportunity after service of this Order to the law enforcement agency that serves Respondent with this Order or as follows: 4. RESPONDENT SHALL STAY AWAY FROM PETITIONERand all other protected persons named in this Order,and not be presentwithin 500 feetor (distance) of any protected persons wherever those protected persons may be found, or any place the Respondent knows or should know the protected persons are likely to be, even with theprotected persons222permission. If Respondent accidentally comes in contact with protected persons in any public or private place, Respondent must depart immediately.This Order includes encounters on public and private roads, highways, and thoroughfares. [NCIC 04] 5. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT REMOVE, DAMAGE, HIDE, OR DISPOSE OF ANY PROPERTYOR PETS owned or possessed by the protected persons named in this Order. 6. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT INITIATE OR HAVEANY CONTACT withthe protected persons named in this Order or their residences, businesses, places of employment, schools, day care centers, or child care providers. Contact includes, but is not limited to, landline, cordless, cellular or digital telephone; text; FORM 10.03-E:CIVIL STALKING PROTECTION ORDER OR CIVIL SEXUALLY ORIENTED OFFENCE PROTECTION ORDER EX PARTEAmended: March1, 2014Discard all previous versions of this form American LegalNet, Inc. [Page 3of 4Form 10.03-E]Case No. instant messaging; fax; e-mail; voice mail; delivery service; social networking media; blogging; writings; electroniccommunications;or communications by any other means directly or through another person. Respondent may not violate this Order even with the permission ofa protected person.[NCIC 05] 7. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT CAUSE OR ENCOURAGE ANY PERSON to do any act prohibited by this Order. 8. RESPONDENT SHALL NOT POSSESS, USE, CARRY, OR OBTAIN ANY DEADLY WEAPONat any time while the Order remains in effect unless Respondent is excepted for official use pursuant to 18 U.S.C.925(a)(1). [NCIC 07] RESPONDENT SHALL TURN OVER ALL DEADLY WEAPONS AND CONCEALED CARRY WEAPON LICENSEin Respondent222s possession to the law enforcement agency that serves Respondent with this Order or as follows: Any law enforcement agency is authorized to take possession of deadly weapons pursuant to this paragraph and hold them in protective custody until further Court order. [NCIC 07] 9. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED:[NCIC 08] 10. ALL DISCOVERY SHALL STRICTLY COMPLYwith Civ.R. 65.1(D). 11. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of Court shall cause a copy of the Petition and this Order to be deliveredto the Respondent as required by Civ.R. 65.1. The Clerk of Court shall also providecertified copies of the Petition and this Order to Petitioner upon request. This Order is granted without bond. No costs or fees shall be assessedagainst the Petitioner forfiling, issuing, registering, modifying, enforcing,dismissing,withdrawing, or serving this protection order. 12. ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS ORDER SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT UNTIL / / . IT IS SO ORDERED. JUDGE/MAGISTRATE FORM 10.03-E:CIVIL STALKING PROTECTION ORDER OR CIVIL SEXUALLY ORIENTED OFFENCE PROTECTION ORDER EX PARTEAmended: March1, 2014Discard all previous versions of this form American LegalNet, Inc. BE ADVISED THAT YOU NEED TO ARRIVE AT THE COURTHOUSE AT LEAST 30 MINUTES BEFORE YOUR SCHEDULED HEARING TO ALLOW YOU TO GET THROUGH SECURITY AND BE IN COURT ON TIME. Petitioner on by Personal Certified Mail Attorney for by Petitioner Regular Mail Personal Certified Mail Regular Mail Respondent by on Personal Certified Mail Regular Mail Attorney for by Respondent Personal Certified Mail Regular Mail Central Warrants (The Protection Order Depository for All Local Law Enforcement Agencies.) The Hamilton County Sheriff222s Office Police Dept. where Petitioner Resides: Police Dept. where Petitioner Works: Other Other FORM 10.03-E: CIVIL STALKING PROTECTION ORDER OR CIVIL SEXUALLY ORIENTED OFFENSE PROTECTION ORDER EX PARTE American LegalNet, Inc.