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Addendum Withholding Notice To Parties To A Support Order Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Hamilton County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Addendum Withholding Notice To Parties To A Support Order, 4048, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Hamilton
ADDENDUM WITHHOLDING NOTICE TO PARTIES TO A SUPPORT ORDER File No._________________ Obligee Name Court Case # __________________ Court or Administrative Order Number Obligor Name Social Security Number Case Number County Date of Issuance: ___________________ WHY YOU WERE GIVEN THIS NOTICE This addendum notice is provided to the parties to the child/spousal support/withholding order in accordance with Ohio Revised code sections 3121.036. DUTIES OF SUPPORT OBLIGOR BEFORE SUPPORT WITHHOLDING STARTS As obligor, you are responsible for payment of support between the effective date of the support order and the date income withholding is initiated. Upon commencement of employment, the obligor may request that the CSEA cancel any previous notices, if applicable, and to issue a notice requiring the withholding of an amount from their personal earnings for support. WHEN THE SUPPORT OBLIGOR MUST NOTIFY THE CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AGENCY The notification must be in writing - please use page 2. 1. 2. 3. Of any change in the obligor's income source and of the availability of any other sources of income that can be the subject of any withholding or deduction. A description of the nature of any new employment or income source, the name and business address and telephone number. Of any change in the status of the account from which the amount of support is being deducted or the opening of a new account with any financial institution, of their commencement of employment, including self-employment, or of the availability of any other sources of income that can be the subject of any withholding or deduction requirement. WHEN THE TIME COMES FOR THE SUPPORT ORDER OR WITHHOLDING TO STOP Ohio Revised Code section 3119.87 require the obligee to notify the Child Support Enforcement Agency of any reason for which support and withholding should terminate. The obligor is permitted to make this notification. Page two (2) and three (3) of this form can be used to provide the required notices. Section A contains information that the obligor must provide. Section B contains information that the obligee must provide. The obligor shall check the appropriate boxes in Section A and fill in the needed information when any of these events occur. Section B may also be completed at Obligor's discretion. The custodial parent is obligated to complete Section B. Documents are to be mailed to : HAMILTON COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AGENCY: Hamilton County CSEA 222 E. Central Pkwy Cincinnati, OH 45202 A willful failure by either party to notify could be contempt of court. A fine of not more than Fifty Dollars for the first offense, not more than One Hundred Dollars for a second offense and not more than Five Hundred Dollars for each subsequent offense can accompany contempt. HCDHS . 4048 ((Revised03/16/2016) [ ] Obligee [ ] Obligor [ ] Court Page 1 of 4 [ ]CSEA American LegalNet, Inc. NOTIFICATION TO: HAMILTON COUNTY CSEA Case Number : _________________________________ SECTION A - OBLIGOR NOTIFICATION [ ] I have terminated my employment effective ___________________________, ____________ [ ] I will receive unemployment benefits of __________________________ per _____________ [ ] I will be employed as a _______________________________________________________, at (Name of New Employer and Payroll Address) Date : ________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ My new rate of pay will be $ ________________ per ___________ I am to receive [ ] 12 [ ] 24 [ ] 26 [ ] 52 pay checks per year. [ ] I will become self-employed effective _________________________________, ____________. The nature of said business is _____________________________________________________. Said business shall have its business account at (Financial Institution) _________________________________________________________, (Address) _____________________________________________________________________ (City, State, Zip) _______________________________________________________________, in the name of ____________________________________________. Account Number ________________________________________. [ ] I am drawing [ ] sick leave [ ] disability benefits in the amount of $ ________________ per __________ starting on _________________ from (Institution) ________________________________________________________________ (Address) ______________________________________________________________________ (City, State, Zip) _________________________________________________________________ [ ] My Workers' Compensation will [ ] commence [ ] terminate [ ] increase [ ] decrease effective ___________. to $ ________________ per ___________________ Claim No. _____________________________ [ ] I have opened a new Financial Institution Account in the name of _____________________________________________________________, Account Number _________________________________________________________________, at (Name of Institution) _____________________________________________________________ (Address) _______________________________________________________________________ , City, State, Zip) ___________________________________________________________________. [ ] I am retiring effective ____________________, ___________. and will receive $ __________________ per ___________ from (Source) ____________________________________________________________________ , (Address) ________________________________________________________________________ , City, State, Zip) ___________________________________________________________________. [ ] I have acquired or expect to receive one of the following: [ ] Lump sum payment in excess of $500.00 as a result of ______________________________________________________________________ from ____________________________________________________________________________ (whose Address is) _________________________________________________________________ , (City, State, Zip) ___________________________________________________________________ . [ ] Real Property Located at: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ [ ] Other property with a value in excess of $1000.00 described as follows: ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [ ] Other income or assets not otherwise included on t