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Request For Transcription Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Hamilton County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Request For Transcription, 8.30, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Hamilton
COURT OF COMMON PLEAS DIVISION OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO Date: Case No. File No. ________________________________________ Plaintiff / Petitioner -vs/and________________________________________ Defendant / Petitioner REQUEST FOR TRANSCRIPTION (insert name) I request that a transcript be prepared of the recorded hearing before Judge/Magistrate ____________________________ heard on __________________________________________________________________________________________ (insert court dates) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ The transcript is needed for a/n _______________________________________scheduled before Judge/Magistrate (insert type of hearing) _____________________on ___________________, 20____ and is to be filed by___________(3 days prior to hearing). (insert name) (insert court date) (insert date) PLEASE MAKE THE APPROPRIATE SELECTIONS: _____ Original _____ Additional paper copy _____ Electronic Copy _____ Audio CD Is a transcript to be filed by the court reporter? ____Yes_____No Is transcript for a pending Court of Appeals case? ____Yes ____No Case No.________________________________ TRANSCRIPT PAGE RATES AS FOLLOWS: Regular Rate......................................... $4.50 per page Expedited (by 8 a.m. the next calendar day)....$7.95 per page 1 to 5 business day (s)..............................$5.95 per page 6 to 10 business days...............................$5.45 per page *The fee for a copy of a prepared transcript is $0.10 per page for a paper copy or free for an electronic copy. PAYMENT Info: You must contact Deborah Kahles within three days at (513) 515-1155 for payment arrangements and for any other questions regarding the transcript request. ______________________ Signature ________________________ Print Name _________________________ Daytime Phone (MUST PROVIDE) _____________________________ Fax No. (MUST PROVIDE) ______________________________________________________________ Email address Please return this completed form to the office of the assigned Judge. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY: ______ Minutes @ ____ $4.50 Regular Rate or $______ (expedited) Rate = TOTAL ESTIMATE: $__________ Estimate provided by: __________________________ via phone on ___________. Estimate accepted for further processing: ___ YES ___NO on __________________. Form DR 8.30 (Revised 7/13/2015) American LegalNet, Inc.