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Appendix A Standard Health Care Orders For Minor Children Payment Of Extraordinary Expenses For Minor Child Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Huron County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Appendix A Standard Health Care Orders For Minor Children Payment Of Extraordinary Expenses For Minor Child, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Huron
Eff. 1-1-09
Standard Health Care Orders
The minor child(ren) who are the subject of these orders are as follows:
Name of Child
Date of Birth
Name of Child
Date of Birth
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the person(s) required to provide health insurance coverage for the
minor child(ren) provide to the other parent, not later than thirty (30) days after the issuance of this order,
information regarding the benefits, limitations, and exclusions of the coverage, copies of any insurance forms
necessary to provide reimbursement, payment or benefits under the coverage, and a copy of any necessary
insurance cards.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the party who has obtained coverage shall be reimbursed for outof-pocket medical, optical, hospital, dental, or prescription expenses paid for each child and the health plan
administrator that provides health insurance coverage for the children may continue making payment for
medical, optical, hospital, dental, or prescription services directly to any health care provider in accordance
with the applicable health insurance policy, contract or plan.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the person(s) required to provide health insurance coverage for
the minor child(ren) shall designate the child(ren) as covered dependents under any health insurance policy,
contract or plan for which the person contracts.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that co-payments or deductible costs required under the health
insurance policy, contract or plan that covers the minor child(ren) pursuant to Court order shall be apportioned
as follows:
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the employer of the person required to obtain health insurance
coverage is required to release to the other parent, any person subject to an order issued under Section 3109.19
of the Revised Code, or the child support enforcement agency on written request any necessary information
on the health insurance coverage, including the name and address of the health plan administrator and any
policy, contract, or plan number, and to otherwise comply with Revised Code 3119.32 and any order or notice
issued under this section.
American LegalNet, Inc.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED if the person required to obtain health insurance coverage for the
children subject to this child support order obtains new employment, the agency shall comply with the
requirements of section 3119.34 of the Revised Code, which may result in the issuance of a notice requiring
the new employer to take whatever action is necessary to enroll the children in health care insurance coverage
provided by the new employer.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, if either parent or the legal custodian is eligible for and/or
receives medical assistance (i.e, “Medicaid,” etc.) under Revised Code Chapters 5111 or 5115 and the other
parent has obtained health insurance coverage, the party eligible for medical assistance SHALL notify any
physician, hospital or other provider of medical services for which medical assistance is available of the name
and address of the other’s insurer and of the number of the other’s health insurance or health care policy,
contract or plan.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any employer who receives a copy of an order issued under
Revised Code 3119.30, 3119.33 or 3119.34 shall notify the Huron County Child Support Enforcement Agency
(CSEA) of any change in or the termination of the parent’s private health insurance that is maintained
pursuant to the order.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, upon receipt of notice by the Huron County CSEA that private
health insurance coverage is not available at a reasonable cost, cash medical support shall be paid in the
amount as determined by the child support computation worksheets pursuant to Revised Code 3119.022 or
3119.023; further, that the CSEA may change the financial obligations of the parties to pay child support in
accordance with the terms of the court order and cash medical support without a hearing or additional notice
to the parties.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the parties shall comply with any requirements ordered herein no
later than thirty (30) days after the issuance of this order.
Payment of Extraordinary Medical Expenses
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that, after payment of all extraordinary medical (i.e,, medical, dental,
orthodontic, optical, surgical, hospital, prescription, psychiatric or psychological) expenses for said minor
child(ren), from any and all available insurance coverage, then:
The residential parent or, in the case of shared parenting, the parent entitled to receive courtordered child support, shall pay the ordinary expenses totaling $100.00 per calendar year per
child or less;
The non-residential parent or, in the case of shared parenting, the parent required to pay
court-ordered child support, shall pay a portion of the necessary extraordinary expenses
totaling over $100.00 per calendar year per child as ordered within thirty (30) days of receipt
or make acceptable arrangements with the health care provider for payment;
American LegalNet, Inc.
Any extraordinary expenses shall be paid by the parents in proportion to their respective
incomes as indicated on Line 16 of their child support computation worksheet as follows:
Mother _______________________%; Father ___________________________%.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that neither parent shall cause the other to be charged or billed for
expenses for the minor child(ren).
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the residential parent and/or legal custodian shall promptly notify
the other parent by written statement of the date of medical services provided to the minor child(ren), the cost
of the service(s), the service(s) provided, and the identity of the service provider(s) for each child when
medical expenses are incurred. NOTICE: No contempt for non-payment of medical bills will be entertained
where an accounting for residential parent’s share has not been given to the non-residential parent.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, after the residential parent has paid said expense of $100.00 per
year for a minor child, that parent shall provide the other parent any medical, dental, etc. bills incurred under
this Order; further, the parent shall either reimburse the residential parent or pay the bill directly to the creditor
within ten (10) days of receipt of said expense; further, each parent shall promptly notify the other of a child’s
illness or injury when the child is in his or her care.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, when it is determined that it is necessary for a minor child to have
major medical, dental, orthodontic, optical, surgical, hospital, prescription, psychiatric or psychological
expense not of an emergency nature which the non-residential parent is obligated to pay, then the residential
parent shall immediately notify the other parent before authorizing treatment; further, that the other parent has
a right to know the necessity for proposed cost of treatment and proposed payment schedule; further, that the
non-residential parent may also secure an independent evaluation to determine the necessity for treatment of
the child at the non-residential parent’s expense.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that both parents shall cooperate in the preparation of insurance forms
to obtain reimbursement or payment of said expense, and each parent shall provide a current address to the
(forms/appendix A)
American LegalNet, Inc.