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Appendix B Guidelines On Parenting Time In Huron County Domestic Relations Cases Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Huron County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Appendix B Guidelines On Parenting Time In Huron County Domestic Relations Cases, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Huron
Appendix B
Rev. 7/1/07
A. Parenting time may take place at any times and places that the parents may agree.
B. Parenting time does not include picking up the children and leaving them with someone else
while the visiting parent pursues their own recreation which excludes the children; children should not
be taken into bars for an extended period of time and neither parent shall consume alcohol to excess
during custody or parenting time. Violations shall be deemed to be cause for curtailment of parenting
time and/or change of custody and/or subjecting the offending parent to contempt.
C. In the event that the parents are unable to reach an agreement regarding transportation, the
non-residential parent shall provide transportation at the commencement of the parenting time period
and the residential parent shall provide transportation at the termination of the period.
D. The non-residential parent shall be prompt in arriving to pick-up the children for the
beginning of the parenting time period. The children, or the residential parent, have no duty to await the
visiting parent for more than thirty (30) minutes after the visitation time. A parent more than thirty (30)
minutes late shall forfeit that parenting time period. Exceptions shall be made if and only if the
tardiness of the non-residential parent is for just cause and the residential parent receives both prompt
notification and a reasonable estimated arrival time.
E. The residential parent shall send with the children on parenting time, sufficient clothing and
outerwear appropriate to the season to last the period of the visitation. Continued violations of this
requirement shall be subject to contempt.
F. If a child is ill, the residential parent shall give twenty-four (24) hours notice, if possible. The
non-residential parent shall give twenty-four (24) hours notice to cancel. The time canceled by the nonresidential parent is forfeited unless re-scheduled by agreement of the parents; the time canceled by the
residential parent may be made up on the option of the non-residential parent at the earliest opportunity.
G. The non-residential parent shall have frequent and on going telephone, regular mail or e-mail
contact with the child(ren). The non-residential parent shall utilize this time in a reasonable fashion.
The policy of the following time allocations is to provide a schedule which is best suited for the
particular age of a child. When a family has children in more than one age group, the parents may adapt
the schedule to fit the needs of each child.
When parents are not in agreement and children are in different age groups the following
guidelines should be observed if no harm would occur to the children: a.) if the children are in two age
groups, the guidelines for the older group should apply, b.) if the children are in three or more age
groups, the guidelines for the middle group should apply.
Basic Principles/Infants and Preschoolers
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Particularly with very young children, the more frequently the non-residential parent sees
the child(ren) the more appropriate it is to have longer periods of time with the nonresidential parent.
If the non-residential parent has not had regular contact with the child, short periods of
parenting time must precede extended periods.
With children over the age of nine (9) months and particularly with children in the
preschool years, more overnight time may be appropriate subject to the circumstances of
each family.
The non-residential parent shall have parenting time as follows:
A. Infants to Nine (9) months:
Two (2) hours three times weekly; the times of which will be set to accommodate both parents’
work schedules. If the parties cannot agree, parenting time shall be on Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
B. Preschoolers:
Frequent short visits per agreement or, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30
p.m.; the times of which may be altered to accommodate the parties work schedules. One day
every weekend alternating Saturday and Sunday from 6:00 p.m. on the preceding day to 6:00
p.m. on the day of parenting time.
Basic Principles/Elementary School-aged Children
Elementary and school-aged children can adapt to longer periods of separation from
their principal caretakers than younger children can.
The needs of the 5-12 year old child with regard to school schedules, homework and
extra-curricular activities must be respected.
Adjusting to and moving back and forth between two households increases the
complexity of life in a divorce situation. It may, therefore, be necessary to simplify other
aspects of the child’s life, e.g. by reducing the number of outside activities.
The non-residential parent shall have parenting time as follows:
C. Elementary School-aged Children:
Alternating weekends from Friday evenings at 6:00 p.m. to Sunday at 6:00 p.m.; 5:30 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. visitations once a week during the week provided that meals are provided for or
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accommodated and the parents reside in the same or adjoining counties; if unable to agree, the
weekday shall be on Wednesday.
Basic Principles/Teenagers
Parents should respect teenagers’ need to spend time with peers and in organized
activities and less time with each parent especially during weekends and summer
Quality of time is more important than a rigid schedule. Flexibility in scheduling is
necessary. When possible, it is preferable to consider the teenager’s wishes as long as the
parents agree.
The non-residential parent shall have parenting time as follows:
D. Teenagers:
One (1) evening per week from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. if the parents reside in the same or
adjoining counties, and subject to the child’s scholastic and extracurricular activities, if the
parents cannot agree on the weekday evening, it shall be Wednesday; alternating weekends from
Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. to Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m.
Parents may wish to change by agreement a holiday at least one week in advance in order
to observe a family or religious tradition. If not changed by agreement holiday times,
where relevant, shall be as follows:
Memorial Day
Friday Night 6:00 p.m. to
Easter: Thursday Night 6:00 p.m.
Sunday night 6:00 p.m.
Friday Night 6:00 p.m. to
of July: 6:00 p.m. the
Monday night 6:00 p.m.
night before the 4th until 12 noon
the day after the 4th except when
the 4th falls on a Sat., Sun. or
Thanksgiving Day: Wednesday night 6:00 p.m. to
Friday night 6:00 p.m.
Mon. when visitation shall
Christmas Eve 12 noon to
Labor Day
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commence Fri. night 6:00 p.m.
Christmas Day 12 noon
From 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Child’s Birthday:
(If not a school day; otherwise,
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.)
a continue to 12 noon the day
after the 4th.
Christmas Vacation and New Years Day:
Christmas Day at 12:00 noon until
6:00 p.m. New Years’ Day.
Mother’s Day & Father’s Day:
No matter whose turn for parenting time, the child(ren) will be
with the appropriate parent on those days from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00
The above schedule shall be reversed as to the residential and non-residential parent in odd numbered
For children under the age of two (2) years, holiday parenting time shall be from 6:00 p.m.
the day before the holiday to 6:00 p.m. on the actual holiday. For children under the age
of nine (9) months, holiday parenting time shall be from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the
actual holiday.
When a child reaches the age of two, the non-residential parent shall be entitled to four
(4) weeks of additional time each year. After the age of five (5), two of those four weeks
may be taken consecutively. This time may be exercised during the summer, the child
(ren)’s spring break from school (every other year) or at any other appropriate time
during the year that does not interfere with the child’s school calendar. For children ages
two (2) to five (5), said four (4) week extended time may be taken in one week
increments. Under the age of two (2) there will be no extended periods.
The residential parent also shall be entitled to two (2) weeks of consecutive time each
Extended periods of time are to be arranged within seven (7) days from the time the
parents’ vacation schedules are posted by their employers. Each parent shall notify the
other parent in writing of the times desired for these extended periods no later than thirty
(30) days prior to the exercise of extended period. Where there is a conflict between the
parents as to vacation schedules, the schedule of the parent who first gives written notice
to the other parent shall prevail.
In the event of a conflict, the following is the order of precedence: 1st) Holidays; 2nd)
Extended Periods; 3rd) Weekends; and 4th) Midweek days.
Appendix B
rev. 7/1/07
American LegalNet, Inc.