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Investigators Report On Guardianship Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Lucas County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Investigators Report On Guardianship, 17.8, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Lucas
PROBATE COURT OF LUCAS COUNTY, OHIO JACK R. PUFFENBERGER, JUDGE GUARDIANSHIP OF: __________________________________________________________ CASE NO: ____________________ COURT INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT ON PROPOSED GUARDIANSHIP (R.C. 2111.041) GENERAL INFORMATION {To be compiled by Probate Court Investigator} Individual's age Individual's residence Relationship to applicant Grounds for application (R.C. 2111.01 (D)): The individual is alleged to be: mentally impaired as a result of a mental illness or disability. mentally impaired as a result of a physical illness or disability. mentally impaired as a result of mental retardation. mentally impaired as a result of chronic substance abuse. any person confined to a correctional institution within this state. so that the individual is incapable of taking proper care of the individual's self. the individual is incapable of taking proper care of the individual's property. the individual fails to provide for the individual's family or other individual for whom the person is charged by law to provide. Documentation submitted and date of evaluation Referral Source: 17.8 � COURT INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT ON PROPOSED GUARDIANSHIP Eff. Date October 1, 2007 1 American LegalNet, Inc. CASE NO: ____________________ INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT I. Service of Notice Made at Individual's home Made in Hospital, Nursing Facility, or Community-Based Care Facility: Name of facility Address of Facility Administrator or representative served Other Date of Service of Notice: Others present during the contact (if yes, list name and relationship) A. Individual's understanding of the concept of guardianship: Good Fair Poor Unable to Determine. . Explain: B. Individual's attitude to the concept of guardianship: Consenting Opposed Unable to Determine. . Explain: C. Specific requests of the individual concerning enumerated rights: . II. Mental and Physical Conditions of Individual A. Individual's reported mental and physical diagnosis: Individual's reported medications: Reported by whom: 17.8 � COURT INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT ON PROPOSED GUARDIANSHIP Eff. Date October 1, 2007 2 American LegalNet, Inc. CASE NO: ____________________ B. Mental Status Observations: During interview were impairments noted in the Individual's: Yes 1. Orientation (Person, Place and Time) 2. Speech 3. Thought Process 4. Affect 5. Memory 6. Concentration & Comprehension 7. Judgment Explain further if necessary: C. Describe the Physical Condition of Individual 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Isolation Eating Habits Significant Weight Loss or Gain Sleep Habits Motor Behavior No Unable to Determine Explain further if necessary: D. Describe the Environmental or Living Condition of the Individual 1. 2. 3. 4. Housing & Sanitation Risk of Accidents Physical Barriers Resource Availability Explain further if necessary: III. Functional Capacities Activities and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Capable 1. Eating 2. Dressing 3. Transfer from bed 4. Toileting 5. Bathing Incapable Unable to Determine Eff. Date October 1, 2007 17.8 � COURT INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT ON PROPOSED GUARDIANSHIP 3 American LegalNet, Inc. CASE NO: ____________________ Capable 6. Handling personal finances 7. Shopping 8. Driving 9. Meal preparation 10. Doing housework 10. Using telephone 10. taking medications Explain further if necessary: . IV. Additional Items Affecting Guardianship Plan Development A. Are there any indications or allegations of substance abuse by the individual or significant others that could impact the guardianship issue? Yes No Explain and recommend actions needed: Incapable Unable to Determine . B. Are there any special characteristics of the individual (including aggressive, violent, or sexual behaviors, or other vulnerabilities) that pose a risk to self or others, which should be considered as guardianship decisions on living arrangements and supervision are made? Yes No Explain the characteristics and make recommendations: . C. Are there any allegations or indications of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of the individual? Yes No Explain and recommend needed actions: . D. Is there a need for additional medical, psychiatric or psychological testing? Yes No If yes, give specific recommendations: . 17.8 � COURT INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT ON PROPOSED GUARDIANSHIP Eff. Date October 1, 2007 4 American LegalNet, Inc. CASE NO: ____________________ E. Are there inconsistencies between the Expert Evaluation and the Court Investigator's findings that need further review by the Court? Yes No If yes, identify the inconsistencies and make a recommendation(s) to the Court: . F. Are there unresolved issues/conflicts/differences among the parties? Yes No If yes, would mediation be of assistance? Yes No Explain: . G. Is there a power of attorney for financial affairs? Yes No Unknown If yes, where is it located? . Who is the attorney-in-fact? H. Is there a last will and testament? Yes No Unknown If yes, where is it located? . . I. Is there a durable power of attorney for health care/living will? Yes No Unknown If yes, where is it located? . Give name and address of attorney-in-fact: J. Is there an advance directive for mental health care? Yes No Unknown If yes, where is it located? Give name and address of attorney-in-fact: K. Is the individual a veteran? Yes No . . . 17.8 � COURT INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT ON PROPOSED GUARDIANSHIP Eff. Date October 1, 2007 American LegalNet, Inc. 5 CASE NO: ____________________ V. RECOMMENDATIONS: Given the above information and Expert Evaluation(s): A. IS A GUARDIANSHIP NECESSARY? Yes Person Only Estate Only Person and Estate Only Limited List Duties No Explain and recommend a less restrictive alternative: Are any of the mental, physical, or environmental conditions reversible? Yes No Unknown If yes, explain and recommend a date for the Court to review the guardianship. B. NECESSITY FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF: Attorney Independent Expert Evaluator Are there special urgency needs? Explain: Remarks: 17.8 � COURT INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT ON PROPOSED GUARDIANSHIP Eff. Date October 1, 2007 6 American LegalNet, Inc. CASE NO: ____________________ I certify that I have served notice to the alleged incompetent as required by statute and I have communicated to the individual in a language and method best understandable by the individual the individual's right to be present at the hearing, the right to conte