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Motion For Contempt Of A Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Mahoning County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Motion For Contempt Of A Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order, 10.01-O, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Mahoning
FORM 10.01-O: MOTION FOR CONTEMPT OF A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS MAHONING COUNTY, OHIO Petitioner Address City, State, Zip Code : : : : Case No. Judge/Magistrate Beth A. Smith v. : Respondent Address City, State, Zip Code : : : MOTION FOR CONTEMPT OF A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROTECTION ORDER AND NOTICE OF HEARING CHECK EVERY THAT APPLIES. IF YOU ARE REQUESTING YOUR ADDRESS REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL, DO NOT WRITE YOUR ADDRESS ON THIS FORM. PLEASE PROVIDE ANOTHER MAILING ADDRESS WHERE YOU CAN SAFELY RECEIVE NOTICES FROM THE COURT. THIS FORM IS A PUBLIC RECORD. Petitioner Respondent moves this Court to find in contempt of this Court's Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order issued on for the reasons below. / / For any item that needs additional explanation, you may use paragraph 18 and/or attach additional pages as needed. 1. Respondent violated the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order by engaging in one or more of the following acts against me and/or another protected person: Harmed or attempted to harm Threatened Followed Stalked Harassed Forced sexual relations upon Committed a sexually oriented offense Other: Respondent failed to vacate the residence at 2. FORM 10.01-O: MOTION FOR CONTEMPT OF A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER Amended: March 1, 2014 Discard all previous versions of this form American LegalNet, Inc. [Page 2 of 3 Form 10.01-O] Case No.________________________ 3. Respondent interfered with the exclusive possession of the residence located at Furthermore, Respondent interfered with my right to occupy the residence by Cancelling utilities Cancelling insurance Interrupted telephone service Interrupted mail delivery Interrupted delivery of any other documents or items 4. Respondent failed to surrender keys and/or garage door openers to the residence for which exclusive use was ordered in the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order. Respondent entered or interfered with the residence, school, business, place of employment, day care center, or child care provider of the protected persons. Respondent violated the stay away provision of the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order. Respondent violated the no contact provision of the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order. Respondent failed to surrender the keys to the motor vehicle for which exclusive use was granted to the Petitioner in the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order. Respondent removed, damaged, hid, or disposed of personal property or pets in violation of the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order. Respondent caused or encouraged another person to do acts prohibited by the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order. Respondent violated the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order by possessing, using, carrying, obtaining, or failing to turn over a deadly weapon. Petitioner (custody). Petitioner Respondent violated the temporary allocation of parental rights and responsibilities 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Respondent violated the visitation order. Respondent violated the support provision of the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order. Respondent used or possessed alcohol and/or illegal drugs in violation of the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order. Petitioner Respondent failed to attend the ordered counseling program. 16. FORM 10.01-O: MOTION FOR CONTEMPT OF A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER Amended: March 1, 2014 Discard all previous versions of this form American LegalNet, Inc. [Page 3 of 3 Form 10.01-O] Case No.________________________ 17. List other violations of the Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order here: 18. Additional explanation here: I hereby swear or affirm that the statements above are true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that falsification of this document may result in a contempt of court finding against me which could result in a jail sentence and fine, and that falsification of this document may also subject me to criminal penalties for perjury under R.C. 2921.11. Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of 20 X SIGNATURE OF PETITIONER/RESPONDENT NOTARY PUBLIC IF YOU ARE REQUESTING YOUR ADDRESS REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL, DO NOT WRITE YOUR ADDRESS ON THIS FORM. PLEASE PROVIDE ANOTHER MAILING ADDRESS WHERE YOU CAN SAFELY RECEIVE NOTICES FROM THE COURT. THIS FORM IS A PUBLIC RECORD. X SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER/RESPONDENT (if applicable) Attorney Name and Address: Attorney Registration Number: Telephone: REQUEST FOR SERVICE Please serve a copy of this Motion upon the Petitioner Respondent, pursuant to Civ.R. 65.1(C)(3) at the following address: NOTICE OF HEARING This matter shall come on for hearing on the ______ day of ________________, 20____, at _______ ___M. before Magistrate _________________________ at the Mahoning County Domestic Relations Court, 120 Market St., Youngstown, OH 44503. FORM 10.01-O: MOTION FOR CONTEMPT OF A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER Amended: March 1, 2014 Discard all previous versions of this form American LegalNet, Inc.