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Asbestos Litigation Status Report Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Mahoning County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Asbestos Litigation Status Report, 1.7, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Mahoning
PROBATE COURT OF MAHONING COUNTY, OHIO JUDGE ROBERT N. RUSU, JR. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: __________________________, DECEASED CASE NO.:_______________ ASBESTOS LITIGATION STATUS REPORT The undersigned Fiduciary and Attorney of Record represent that this is the ______ Litigation Status Report (last report was filed on __________) under the above case and this report follows: 1. The Decedent was exposed to asbestos containing products prior to his/her death. As a result, the above referenced estate has been able to obtain settlements from manufacturer of asbestos containing products due to the fact that the manufacturers of these products knew or should have known of the dangerous propensities of asbestos dust. The Decedent has met the medical and exposure criteria required to ascertain the settlements offered by the manufacturers of these asbestos containing products. 2. There have been ______ prior Applications to Approve Settlement and Distribution of Wrongful Death and Survival Claims filed with the Court with the last Application being approved on ______________ and the Report of Distribution being filed with this Court on _________________. 3. Presently, the following settlement proceeds with the following companies are available for distribution upon the Application to the Court for approval: Defendant A. ___________________________ B. ___________________________ C. ___________________________ D. ___________________________ TOTAL: Settlement Amounts __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ M.C. Form 1.7 (New) (New 02-02-15) American LegalNet, Inc. 4. The next Application to approve the above settlements is expected to be filed with the Court on __________________. 5. Global waivers, if applicable, have been signed by all interested parties and were filed with the ________ Application to Approve Settlement and Distribution of Wrongful Death and Survival Claims on _______________. 6. An amended Next of Kin (SPF 1.0) reflecting new addresses or deaths of any next of kin that have shared in previous settlements: (please check one) ______ is not required at this time; ______ is required and attached hereto; ______ is required and will be filed by __________. 7. The Estate needs to remain open to continue to pursue claims which may be submitted to various Asbestos Bankruptcy Trusts. _________________________________ Attorney of Record __________________________________ Fiduciary _________________________________ Street Address __________________________________ Street Address _________________________________ City, State, Zip Code __________________________________ City, State. Zip Code _________________________________ Telephone Number Registration Number: ____________________ __________________________________ Telephone Number M.C. Form 1.7 (New) (New 02-02-15) American LegalNet, Inc.