Order Appointing Commissioner To Take Deposition
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Order Appointing Commissioner To Take Deposition Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Mahoning County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Order Appointing Commissioner To Take Deposition, 2.2, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Mahoning
IN THE PROBATE COURT OF MAHONING COUNTY, OHIO IN THE MATTER OF THE REGISTRATION OF THE BIRTH CORRECTION OF BIRTH RECORD OF: _________________________________ ) ) ) ) CASE NO.: ________________ ORDER APPOINTING COMMISSIONER TO TAKE DEPOSITION [Revised Code �3705.15 (B] TO:________________________________ who resides at _______________________________ in the County of __________________, State of _____, _________________________ has filed an (Name of Applicant) application in the Probate Court of Mahoning County, Ohio, to register/correct his/her birth and that this Court made an Order authorizing the taking of the deposition of the Applicant and/or his or her witness(es): The testimony of the Applicant and the witness(es) is necessary to support the allegations set forth in the application. It appears to the satisfaction of the Court that Applicant or witness(es) either do not reside in, or are absent from this County, or are otherwise unable to appear. Accordingly, and as Probate Judge of Mahoning County, Ohio, I hereby appoint you and give you full power and authority to examine and take the deposition of Applicant and witness using the supplied interrogatories. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that you shall, at a time and place fixed by you, cause the appearance of _______________________ before you, to examine him/her under oath upon the interrogatories, and that you reduce the examination and his/her answers to writing and return the same with this Commission and under your seal to this Court, together with a certified or other proved copy of the Applicant's original birth certificate, if the matter concerns an application to correct a birth record. IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of this Court at Mahoning County, Ohio, this _________ day of _______________, 20_____. ________________________________ Judge By:_____________________________ Deputy Clerk M.C. Form 2.2 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com