Application For Appointment Of Trustee
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Application For Appointment Of Trustee Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Montgomery County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Application For Appointment Of Trustee, 25.0A, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Montgomery
PROBATE COURT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, OHIO ALICE O. McCOLLUM, JUDGE IN THE MATTER OF THE: CASE NO. WRONGFUL DEATH TRUST for the benefit of: TESTAMENTARY TRUST for the benefit of: SPECIAL NEEDS TRUST for the benefit of: APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE hereby make(s) application to be appointed Trustee(s) of the: (Applicant) Wrongful Death Trust fbo as the result of the death of , Estate Case No. ; Testamentary Trust created by item of the Last Will and Testament of , deceased, Estate Case No. ; Special Needs Trust created by on ; (Month/Day/Year) and states that the estimated property of said trust estate is as follows: and states that: Personal $ Real $ Annual $ Other $ $ Bond is dispensed with by the instrument Bond is dispensed with by law Bond Attached $ A copy of the instrument creating this Trust is attached to this Application. Attorney for Applicant Name Typed or Printed Name Address Address Telephone City, State, Zip Name Telephone Number (Include Area Code) Address Attorney Registration No. Telephone M.C. FORM 25.0A - APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE Revised 09-20-2018 American LegalNet, Inc.