Notice To Prospective Ward Of Application And Hearing
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Notice To Prospective Ward Of Application And Hearing Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Montgomery County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Notice To Prospective Ward Of Application And Hearing, 17.3, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Montgomery
PROBATE COURT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, OHIO ALICE O. McCOLLUM, JUDGE GUARDIANSHIP OF: CASE NO.: NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE WARD OF APPLICATION AND HEARING To Address An application for appointment of as (limited) guardian for your (person and estate) has been filed with the Probate Court. A hearing on that application will be held on , 20 , at o'clock .m. at Montgomery County Probate Court, . At that hearing, 41 North Perry Street, Dayton, Ohio, 45402, Second Floor, Courtroom Applicant must prove by clear and convincing evidence that, because of mental impairment, you are unable to handle your own affairs. 1. You have the right to be present at the hearing to contest the application, and to be represented by an attorney of your choice; 2. The right to have a friend or family member of your choice present at the hearing; 3. The right to have evidence of an independent expert evaluation introduced at the hearing; 4. If you are indigent, upon your request, an attorney and an independent expert evaluator will be appointed at court expense; 5. If you are indigent, and you appeal the guardianship decision, you have the right to have an attorney appointed and necessary transcripts prepared at court expense. Witness my signature and the seal of the Court, this day of , 20 (Seal) ALICE O. McCOLLUM, PROBATE JUDGE By: Deputy Clerk American LegalNet, Inc. FORM 17.3 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE WARD OF APPLICATION AND HEARING 6/1/16 CASE NO. ____________________ RETURN County, Ohio 20 Received this notice on the on the day of day of , 20 , I , 20 served the same and by delivering a true copy thereof personally to I communicated with the alleged incomptent in a language or method of communication understandable to the alleged incompetent. Investigator American LegalNet, Inc. FORM 17.3 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE WARD OF APPLICATION AND HEARING 6/1/16