Entry Dispensing With Appointment Of Guardian And Ordering Deposit Or Delivery
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Entry Dispensing With Appointment Of Guardian And Ordering Deposit Or Delivery Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Summit County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Entry Dispensing With Appointment Of Guardian And Ordering Deposit Or Delivery, GM-3, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Summit
PROBATE COURT OF SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO ELINORE MARSH STORMER, JUDGE IN THE MATTER OF CASE NO. , MINOR ENTRY DISPENSING WITH APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AND ORDERING DEPOSIT OR DELIVERY Upon hearing the application to dispense with the appointment of a guardian, the Court finds that , is a minor; the estate of the minor is Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) or less, and a guardianship is not necessary. Therefore, the Court orders that the appointment of a guardian be dispensed with, and that the property described as Delivered to Delivered to the minor. be delivered or deposited as follows: , the minor herein. , as Custodian for the use and benefit of Deposited in the name of the minor with a depository authorized to receive fiduciary funds. None of said funds, in whole or in part, shall be released by the depository until such time as said minor attains the age of majority (18 years of age), and presents their Birth Certificate. Said depository shall file the Verification of Receipt and Deposit with this Court evidencing that said deposit has been made, within ten days after receipt of the funds. IT IS SO ORDERED. APPROVED: Attorney for Applicant Signature Type or Print Name Address City State Zip JUDGE ELINORE MARSH STORMER Telephone Number (include area code) Supreme Court Registration Number FORM GM.3 � ENTRY DISPENSING WITH APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AND ORDERING DEPOSIT OR DELIVERY American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Rev. 02/02/2017