Application For Appointment Of Conservator (Trumbull)
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Application For Appointment Of Conservator (Trumbull) Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Trumbull County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Application For Appointment Of Conservator (Trumbull), 20.0, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Trumbull
PROBATE COURT OF TRUMBULL COUNTY, OHIO JAMES A. FREDERICKA, JUDGE CONSERVATORSHIP OF: CASE NO. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF CONSERVATOR (R.C. 2111.021) I, , Petitioner/Conservatee, hereby state that I am a competent adult, but am physically infirm. I request that:: 1. Name of Proposed Conservator Street City , Ohio Zip be appointed conservator of my: G Person and Estate 2. G Telephone ( G ) Person Only Estate Only The length (time period) of the conservatorship is: G Indefinite G Definite - to , 20 . 3. If "Person Only" or "Person and Estate" is checked, I give the following power over my PERSON to the: a. Conservator: G All powers that a guardian would have under the guardianship laws of Ohio. G Limited to power to b. Court: G G All powers that a Court would have under the guardianship laws of Ohio. Limited to the power to 4. (If "Estate Only" or "Person and Estate" is checked), I give the following power over my ESTATE to the: a. Conservator: G All powers that a guardian would have under the guardianship laws of Ohio. G Limited to the power to b. Court: G G All powers that a Court would have under the guardianship laws of Ohio. Limited to the power to Form 20.0 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF CONSERVATOR American LegalNet, Inc. CASE NO. ____________________________ c. The following of my property is subject to the foregoing powers: G All property. (Attach description of property). G Only the property listed as follows: 5. If the Application is for a conservatorship of the estate: a. The estate to be placed under conservatorship is: Personal Property $ Real Property $ Annual Rents $ Other Annual Income $ TOTAL Service of notice of the conservatorship is to be given to: G None G Same as Guardianship G $ 6. As Listed on Form 15.0 Based on the foregoing information, I do hereby petition the Court to appoint a Conservator for myself, and do so freely and of my own will. I certify that all information and statements contained in this application and the attached exhibits are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date Attorney's Signature Typed or Printed Attorney's Name Street City State Zip Petitioner/Conservatee's Signature Typed or Printed Name of Petitioner/Conservatee Street City ( ) Telephone Number (Include Area Code) State Zip ( ) Telephone Number (Include Area Code) Supreme Court Registration Number American LegalNet, Inc.