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IN THE WARREN COUNTY, OHIO COMMON PLEAS COURT PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME OF (Present Name) T O (Name Requested) C ASE NO. DECISION OF MAGISTRATE - CHANGE OF NAME OF MINOR On an application for change of name was heard by this Court. The Court finds that proper notice of the application and hearing date was given by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in this county at least thirty days prior to the hearing on the application and proper notice was given to the legal parents, known parent, or alleged parent, as required by law. The Cour t further finds that reasonable and proper cause exists for changing the name and the name change is in the best interest of the minor. The Court finds , the , and the place of birth was City County State Therefore, it is ORDERED the name of be changed to Magistrate CERTIFICATION OF DECISION OF MAGISTRATE The above Decision of Magistrate Change of Name of Minor is a true copy of the original kept by me as custodian of the records of this Court. Probate Judge/Clerk By Deputy Clerk Date F ORM 2 1.3A - DECISION OF MAGISTRATE - CHANGE OF NAME OF MINOR Amended: M arch 15, 2016 American LegalNet, Inc.