Orders On Approval And Settlement
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Orders On Approval And Settlement Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Wood County (Court Of Common Pleas).
Tags: Orders On Approval And Settlement, 914.J, Ohio County (Court Of Common Pleas), Wood
PROBATE COURT OF WOOD COUNTY, OHIO David E. Woessner, Judge In the Matter of: __________________________________________________________________________ Guardianship-Trustee Case No.________________________ Date: ________________________ ORDERS ON APPROVAL AND SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT CURRENT Account This day the _____ account of of the of came on for hearing, approval and settlement, due notice thereof having been published, given or waived and all persons who are interested in said account being fairly and adequately represented, according to law. Whereupon, the Court, having inquired into, considered and determined all matters relative to said account and the manner in which the fiduciary therein has executed trust, ____ (including the investment of trust funds) finds said account, in all respects, just and correct and in conformity to law, and it is ordered that the same be, and hereby is, approved and settled. It is further ordered that said account and the proceedings herein be recorded in the records of this Court. Date Journalized David E. Woessner, Probate Judge Prepared by: Attorney's Name Address Phone # Registration # FORM 914-J - ORDERS ON APPROVAL AND SETTLEMENT American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com