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Docketing Statement Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in 6th Appellate District Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Docketing Statement, 2, Ohio Court Of Appeals, 6th Appellate District
APPENDIX OF FORMS REVISED 7/31/15 FORM 2 (TRIAL COURT) Trial Court Case No. Court of Appeals Case No. Plaintiff / Appell v. Date Trial Court's Judgment Entry being appealed was entered on the journal DOCKETING STATEMENT Defendant / Appell 1. This appeal should be assigned to: Pursuant to App.R. 3 (F), th 6 Dist. Loc. App.R. 3 (C) and 12 (A) _____ The expedited calendar for the reason checked: (See App.R. 11.2 / R.C. 3109.04(H)) _____ A. Abortion related appeal ______ B. Appeal from order granting or denying adoption of minor or granting or denying termination of parental rights _____ C. Appeal concerning dependent, abused, neglected, unruly, delinquent child _____ D. Prosecutorial appeal from suppression order _____ The accelerated calendar for the reason checked: (See App.R. 11.1 and 3(G) as well as 6th Dist. Loc. App.R. 12.) _____ A. No transcript is required ______ B. The transcript is of such length that its preparation time will not be a source of delay. (The transcript in an accelerated appeal is to be filed within 20 days of filing the notice of appeal. See App. R. 10 (A).) ______ C. An agreed statement will be submitted within 20 days. ______ D. The record was made in an administrative hearing and was filed with the trial court. ______ E. All parties to the appeal (as shown by the attached statement) agree to an assignment to the accelerated calendar. ______ The regular calendar for reason (s) checked: ______ A. The transcript is of such length that its preparation time will take more than 20 days from the date the notice of appeal is filed. 1 American LegalNet, Inc. _____ B. A brief in excess of 15 pages is necessary to adequately argue the issues. _____ C. The appeal concerns unique issues of law which will be of substantial precedential value in the determination of similar cases. _____ D. Other 2. Probable issues for review: 3. Has a notice of appeal been previously filed in this court concerning this case or a related case? ______ No _____ Yes If so, what was the previous appellat e case number? (QUESTIONS 4 THROUGH 8 APPLY TO CIVIL AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS ONLY) 4. Nature of Case: (for example: Personal Injury (slip and fall); administrative appeal (zoning); termination of parental rights; probate (will contest); breach of contract; malpractice (legal); etc. 5 Does the appeal depend on an interpretation or application of a particular case (s) or statute (s). _______ No _______ Yes If yes, please cite case (s) or statute (s) 6. How would you characterize the extent of your settlement discussions prior to judgment in the trial court? _______ Minimal ______ Moderate _______ Extensive ______ None 7. Have post-judgment settlement discussions taken place? ______ No ______ Yes 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 8. Would a mediation pursuant to 6 Dist. Loc. App.R. 13 be of any assistance in the resolution of this matter? * ______ Maybe th ______ Yes ______ No Please explain (optional). (Name) Attorney for _ (Address, telephone number) - (Supreme Court Registration Number) *THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF A MEDIATION IS TO HELP THE PARTIES EXPLORE POSSIBILITIES FOR SETTLEMENT OF THE CASE BEFORE INCURRING ADDITIONAL EXPENSES. 3 American LegalNet, Inc.