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Docketing Statement Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in 8th Appellate District Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Docketing Statement, Ohio Court Of Appeals, 8th Appellate District
APPENDIX A EIGHTH DISTRICT COURT OF APPEALS LOCAL APPELLATE RULE 9 Praecipe and Docketing Statement Name of Trial Court : Case Caption : Plaintiff, vs. Defendant Trial Court Case Number: Trial Court Judge : Date of judgment appealed : The n otice of appeal was filed in compliance with: App.R. 4(A) (within 30 days ) ; or App.R. 4(B) (time extended) ; or App.R. 5 (delayed appeal ) A. PRAECIPE: REQUESTING THE RECORD TO THE CLERK OF THE TRIAL COURT: 1. By checking this box, appellant requests that the clerk of the trial court immed iately prepare and assemble the original papers and exhibits filed in the trial court and a certified copy of docket and journal entries under App.R. 9(A) . (If appellant only sel ects this box, appellant acknowledges that no transcript is required to be prepared.) 2. Check this box if you seek the record in this appeal to include one of the following listed below that is necessary for the resolution o f the appeal. ( Please select only one of the following below . ) a. Complete transcript under App.R. 9(B) . (Note: the appellant must instruct the court reporter to prepare the transcript .) b. al transcript under App.R. 9(B) . (Note: the appellant must instruct the court reporter to prepare the transcript.) c. App.R. 9(C) . d. App.R. 9(D) . American LegalNet, Inc. 2 B. CALENDAR Choose the appropriate calendar designation for this case . C heck only one of the following : Regular Calendar This is the appropriate selection if any of the following apply: T ranscript and all other evidentiary materials are more than one hundred pages; A brief in excess of 15 pages is necessary to a rgue the issues adequately; A ppeal concerns unique issues of law that will be of substantial precedential value in determining similar cases; Appeal concerns multiple or complex issues; or Do not want accelerated calendar. Accelerated Calendar ( See Loc App.R. 11.1 ) An appeal may be assigned to the accelerated calendar if (1) no transcript is required, or (2) the transcript and all other evidentiary materials consist of 100 or fewer pages. If any of the criteria listed above for regular calendar applies, the appeal will not be assigned to the accelerated calendar. Expedited Calendar ( See App.R. 11.2 ) This is the appropriate selection if any of the following apply . Please designate the specific category below : Abortion - related appeal from juvenile court Adoption or parent al rights appeal (includes award of temporary custody to the agency) Dependent, abused, neglected, unruly or delinquent child appeal Prosecutorial appeal from suppression order Denial of a bail bond as provided in R.C. 2937.222(D) Election contests as provided in R.C. 3515.08 American LegalNet, Inc. 3 C. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Was a stay reque sted in the trial court? Yes No ( See App.R. 7 and App.R. 8 ) If a stay was requested, how did the trial court rule? Grante d Denied Pending 2. If this case has previously been before this Court, list prior appellate case number(s): 3. List case names and numbers of cases pending in this court that involve the same transaction or controversy involved in this appeal : 4. Probable issues for appeal (if known): 5. Have you attached a time - stamped copy of th e final judgmen t being appealed as required under Loc.App.R. 3(B) ? Yes 6. Have you been declared a vexatious litigator? Yes No If yes, d id you comply with R.C. 2323.52(F)(2) and seek leave to file ? Yes No D. CRIMINAL CASE ( If this is an appeal from a civil case, skip ahead to SECTION E. If a criminal case, complete this section and then skip to the signature block. ) 1. D oes the sentencing order contain the following four requirements : fact of conviction for each count; separate sentence for each convicted count; signature of trial court judge; and file stamp of the clerk of court? Yes No American LegalNet, Inc. 4 2. If a co - defendant ( s ) was indicted and convicted under the same complaint , list the name ( s ) of co - defendant ( s ) : 3. Type of Ap peal ( Select only one of the following ): i ght ight Delayed Appeal by Leave of C ourt ( See App.R. 5(A) ) eave of C ourt ( See App. R. 5(B) ) E. CIVIL CASE 1. Specify the t ype of action in the trial court (e.g. administrative appeal; contract; declaratory judgment; domestic relations; juvenile; medical malpractice; personal injury; probate; etc.): 2. Is the order appealed from a final appealable order: a. Did the judgment dispose of all claims by and against all parties? Yes No b. If not, is there a determination that there per Civ.R. 54(B)? Yes No c. If you are appealing an interlocutory order, specify what authority (e.g. specific provision under R.C. 2505.02, other statute, or case law) that gives this court jurisdiction to hear the appeal: American LegalNet, Inc. 5 3. Settlement discussions: a. How would you characterize the extent of your settlement discussions before judgment? b. Have settlement discussions taken place since the judgment or order appealed from was entered ? Yes No c. Would a mediation conference assist in the re solution of this matter? Yes No Maybe I certify that the above information is accurate to the best of my knowledge . I also acknowledge that I must file th e Notice of A ppeal along with this P raecipe and Docketing S tatement in the trial court. Appellant or Attorney for Appellant CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a copy of this Praecipe and Docketing Statement was served upon on / / 20 in the following manner: . (Signature) American LegalNet, Inc.