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U.S. DISTRICT COURT, NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO Attorney Admissions Fund Grant Application for Bench Bar Programs, Events or Projects Applicant Organization Name: Contact Person and Title: Project, Program or Event Title: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone: Email Address: Expected Number of Attendees: Date(s) of Program/Event: Charge to Attend: Location(s) of Program/Event: Total Budget: Amount of Court Funding Requested:Is this a repeat project or program? Yes NoDo you have other sources of funding? Yes No Total Amount of Other Funding: Please provide a description of the project or program for which you are requesting funding outlining major details such as expected speakers and target audience. Also, please explain how the project or program will benefit the Bench and Bar. Please provide an itemized current project or program budget with a description of how you intend to fund the project or program, and, if applicable, how you did so in the past.RETURN APPLICATION TO: Clerk of Court ATTN: Attorney Admissions Fund Grant Application 801 West Superior Avenue Cleveland, OH 44113 Fax: 216.357.7066 Email: Save Form Submit by Email Print Form Attach a FileI have read the foregoing application and certify that the information contained therein is true. Date:Rev. 8/2014 Signature: American LegalNet, Inc.