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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO EASTERN DIVISION , Plaintiff, Civil Action : -cv- v. Judge Magistrate Judge , Defendant. RULE 26(f) REPORT Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(f), a meeting was held on and was attended by: , counsel for plaintiff(s) , , counsel for plaintiff(s) , , counsel for defendant(s) , , counsel for defendant(s) , Counsel represent that, during the meeting, they engaged in a meaningful attempt to meet and confer on the matters outlined below. 1. CONSENT TO MAGISTRATE JUDGE Do the parties consent to Magistrate Judge jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 247 636(c)? Yes No 2. INITIAL DISCLOSURES Have the parties agreed to make initial disclosures? Yes No The proceeding is exempt under Rule 26(a)(1)(B) If yes, such initial disclosures shall be made by . American LegalNet, Inc. 2 3. VENUE AND JURISDICTION Are there any contested issues related to venue or jurisdiction? Yes No If yes, describe the issue: If yes, the parties agree that any motion related to venue or jurisdiction shall be filed by . 4. a. PARTIES AND PLEADINGS The parties agree that any motion or stipulation to amend the pleadings or to join additional parties shall be filed by . b. If the case is a class action, the parties agree that the motion for class certification shall be filed by . 5. MOTIONS a. Are there any pending motion(s)? Yes No If yes, indicate which party filed the motion(s), and identify the motion(s) by name and docket number: b. Are the parties requesting expedited briefing on the pending motion(s)? Yes No If yes, identify the proposed expedited schedule: Opposition to be filed by ; Reply brief to be filed by . 6. ISSUES Jointly provide a brief description of case, including causes of action set forth in the complaint, and indicate whether there is a jury demand: American LegalNet, Inc. 3 7. a. DISCOVERY PROCEDURES The parties agree that all discovery shall be completed by . The parties agree to schedule their discovery in such a way as to require all responses to discovery to be served prior to the cut-off date, and to file any motions relating to discovery within the discovery period unless it is impossible or impractical to do so. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement on any matter related to discovery, they are directed to arrange a conference with the Court. b. Do the parties anticipate the production of ESI? Yes No If yes, describe the protocol for such production: c. Do the parties intend to seek a protective order or clawback agreement? If yes, such order or agreement shall be produced to the Court by . 8. DISPOSITIVE MOTIONS a. Any dispositive motions shall be filed by . b. Are the parties requesting expedited briefing on dispositive motions? Yes No If yes, identify the proposed expedited schedule: Opposition to be filed by ; Reply brief to be filed by . 9. EXPERT TESTIMONY a. Primary expert reports must be produced by . b. Rebuttal expert reports must be produced by . 10. SETTLEMENT Plaintiff(s) will a make a settlement demand by . Defendant will respond by . The parties agree to make a good faith effort to settle this case. The parties understand that this case will be referred to an attorney mediator, or to the Magistrate Judge, for a settlement conference during this Court222s settlement week. The parties request the following week: March 20; June 20; September 20; December 20 American LegalNet, Inc. 4 In order for the conference to be meaningful, the parties agree to complete all discovery that may affect their ability to evaluate this case prior to the beginning of settlement week. The parties understand that they will be expected to comply fully with the settlement week orders which require, inter alia, that settlement demands and offers be exchanged prior to the conference and that principals of the parties attend the conference. 11. RULE 16 PRETRIAL CONFERENCE Do the parties request a scheduling conference? Yes, the parties would like a conference with the Court prior to it issuing a scheduling order. The parties request that the conference take place telephone. in chambers by No, a conference is not necessary; the Court may issue a scheduling order after considering this Report. 12. OTHER MATTERS Indicate any other matters for the Court222s consideration: Signatures: Attorney for Plaintiff(s): Attorney for Defendant(s): Counsel for Bar # Counsel for Bar # Counsel for Bar # Counsel for Bar # Counsel for Bar # Counsel for Bar # Date: American LegalNet, Inc.