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Request For Payoff Information Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Attorney General Office Statewide.
Tags: Request For Payoff Information, Ohio Statewide, Attorney General Office
REQUEST FOR PAYOFF INSTRUCTIONS T h e O h i o A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l 222 s C o l l e c t i o n E n f o r c e m e n t S e c t i o n h a s t h e following procedures for Title Companies to obtain payoff information on debts certified to it for collection: All routine requests for payoff balances must be submitted by FAX or email. As is currently required, the written consent of the debtor/taxpayer MUST accompany the request 226 this cannot be an electronic signature, it MUST be a hand-written signature. Every effort will be made to process all properly submitted written requests within 5-10 business days of receipt. Based on the search criteria provided in the request, we will conduct a search of our records to identify certified debts owed by the taxpayer for liens recorded prior to closing. Our written response will be returned via FAX or email. Requests that are lengthy or complicated in nature will involve a longer processing time. Forms for requesting information and supplying the debtor222s consent will be available through the Ohio Land Title Association, the Ohio Association of Realtors, and the Collection Enforcement222s page of the Attorney General222s website ( A dedicated fax number (614-644-7106) and email address () is available to expedite your requests for payoff information. REQUIRED INFORMATION TO PROCESS A PAYOFF REQUEST: In order to process a payoff request, please provide the following: Full Social Security Number Serial/account number(s) Risk/Claim number for BWC liens Employer FEIN if the request is being made for a business Consent form signed by taxpayer or surviving spouse/executor Copy of death certificate showing full social security number (if applicable) Legible handwriting or printing 226 If the information is unclear or unable to be read, we cannot process the request. We cannot process a payoff request, if one or more of the above items are missing from the request form. American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc.