Participating Dealer List
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Participating Dealer List Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Bureau Of Motor Vehicles Statewide.
Tags: Participating Dealer List, BMV 4446, Ohio Statewide, Bureau Of Motor Vehicles
OHIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES NEW MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER SHOW LIST OF DEALER PARTICIPANTS Please list below all dealers who have agreed to participate in the motor vehicle show. Their dealers' permit number, registered dealership names, and addresses must be current. A list of current dealerships may be obtained by contacting the Dealer Licensing Section. Note: There must be two or more dealers listed below displaying competitive vehicle types for a motor vehicle show. Vehicle type is the class of vehicles being represented at the show, for example; RV (recreational vehicles), MC (motorcycles), TK (heavy-duty trucks), TL (trailers � over 4,000 lbs.), MV (motor vehicles), and APV (all purpose vehicles). SPONSOR NAME SHOW NAME AND LOCATION SHOW DATES DEALER PERMIT NUMBER DEALERSHIP NAME DEALERSHIP ADDRESS VEHICLE TYPE Feel free to make extra copies of this page if you have more than 12 dealers confirmed to participate in this event. This form must be submitted with each Affidavit For A New Motor Vehicle Dealer Show (BMV 4445). MAIL OHIO BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES ATTN: DEALER LICENSING SECTION P.O. BOX 16521, COLUMBUS, OHIO 43216-6521 FAX E-MAIL (614) 752-7220 BMV 4446 3/15 [17600983] American LegalNet, Inc.