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OHIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES REQUEST FOR DEALER TEMPORARY TAGS / STICKERS NAME BUSINESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE PERMIT NUMBER DEALER TELEPHONE NUMBER l only Initial only one box (if not initialed the order will be returned) INITIAL The above dealer is a Web-Enabled (WE) dealer. I understand that WE dealers temporary tag applications issued are print-on-demand by the dealer and that the purchase price of the temporary tags are $15.00 each. INITIAL The above dealer is a Non Web-Enabled (WE) dealer. I understand that Non-WE dealers temporary tag applications issued must be reported by mailing them to the BMV, Dealer Licensing Section within fortyeight (48) hours of issuance and that the purchase price of the temporary tags are $18.50 each. ORDER INFORMATION TAG TYPE REGULAR PLATE SIZE TEMPORARY TAGS MOTORCYCLE SIZE TEMPORARY TAGS *OFF HIGHWAY MOTORCYCLE TEMPORARY STICKERS *Off-highway Motorcycle Temporary Stickers are $5.50 and do not qualify for the discount price. Make Checks Payable to: OHIO TREASURER OF STATE Dealers who have recently moved locations are to contact the Dealer Licensing Unit prior to placing the order to help eliminate in any delay of shipment due to location changes. If you choose to become a WE dealer you must sign up as a web enabled (WE) dealer PRIOR to purchasing the tags at $15.00. Log on to our Web site at, or call (614) 752-7636 for more details. No dealer may sell temporary tags to customers for no more than $18.50 per temporary tag. QUANTITY TOTAL FEE Dealers may ONLY sell a temporary tag if the customer DOES NOT have transferable license plates. DATE AUTHORIZED DEALER SIGNATURE X Mail to: Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles Attn: Temporary Tag Unit P.O. Box 16521 Columbus OH 43216-6521 Allow 2-4 weeks for processing and shipping. BMV 4381 12/15 [17600979] American LegalNet, Inc.