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OHIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATEMENT OF MANUFACTURER / DISTRIBUTOR FRANCHISE 1. Please print legibly or type the following information: MANUFACTURER / DISTRIBUTOR NAME OF BUSINESS ADDRESS CITY E-MAIL ADDRESS / WEB SITE STATE ZIP CODE 2. The above manufacturer or distributor hereby certifies that the following distributor / dealer is duly authorized to distribute / sell the makes indicated in #3: EXACT NAME OF DISTRIBUTOR / DEALER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE PERMIT NUMBER COUNTY 3. A. List the new makes the dealership is franchised to sell (i.e., Chevrolet, Honda, Toyota, etc.) Do not list models. The make name must match what is listed on the MCO. B. List all vehicle types the dealership is franchised to sell (i.e., passenger motor vehicles, motorcycles, trucks, conversion vans, trailers, manufactured homes, recreational vehicles etc.) A. MAKE B. VEHICLE TYPE (i.e., passenger car, motorcycle, trailer) A. MAKE B. VEHICLE TYPE (i.e., passenger car, motorcycle, trailer) 4. Is there another authorized dealer selling the same make of vehicle(s) within a ten (10) mile radius of the above named dealer? (25 mile radius RV dealers) Ohio Revised Code (R.C.) Sections 4517.01 (DD) and 4517.50 YES NO If yes, list dealer name and address: DEALER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 5. Has dealer in #4 been notified, pursuant to Chapter 4517 of the R.C., of the new franchise appointment? YES NO If yes, give date of notification Completion of this form and signatures by both parties, affirm that a franchise exists between and approved by the Manufacturer / Distributor and Distributor / Dealer in accordance with R.C. Sections 4517.04, and 4517.50 4517.65. Pursuant to R.C. 4517.23, the appropriate party shall notify the BMV of any change in status of such contract / agreement within 15 days after such change. NOTE: ALTERED FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. BMV 4319 9/14 [17601163] Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 6. Signature of Manufacturer's / Distributor's authorized agent listed in #1 X SIGNATURE DATE 7. Notary: Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this day of , X NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES (SEAL) 8. Signature of Distributor's / Dealership's owner, partner, officer, member, or trustee listed in #2 X SIGNATURE DATE 9. Notary: Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this day of , X NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES (SEAL) IMPORTANT INFORMATION � Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 4517.12(A)(11), applicants who are a manufacturer, a parent company, subsidiary, or affiliated entity of a manufacturer who were issued a New Motor Vehicle Dealer License prior to January 1, 2014 and have continued to renew that license, may qualify for the issuance of no more than three (3) New Motor Vehicle Dealer Licenses. Applicants who are a manufacturer, a parent company, subsidiary, or affiliated entity of a manufacturer who were issued a New Motor Vehicle Dealer License after January 1, 2014 but before September 4, 2014, no additional New Motor Vehicle Dealer Licenses may be issued. This completed form along with other application requirements must be on file and approved by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Dealer Licensing Section, Columbus, Ohio, before transactional sales may be made. Forms may be mailed or faxed. To locate the appropriate fax number for your county, please visit From the home page click on contact us, click on HERE under "by Telephone or Fax" then click on the county in which the distributor / dealer, listed in #2, is located. R.C. 4517.23 requires the appropriate party to notify the Dealer Licensing Section of any change in status of such contract / agreement within 15 days after such change. � � � � MAILING ADDRESS: Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Attn: Dealer Licensing Section, P.O. Box 16521, Columbus, Ohio 43216-6521 BMV 4319 9/14 [17601163] Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.