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License Examination Application Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Department Of Commerce Statewide.
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Tags: License Examination Application, COM 3578, Ohio Statewide, Department Of Commerce
Pl Please visit our website at 614|466 - 4100 Fax: 614|644 - 0584 TTY/TDD: 800|750 - 0750 Anne M. Petit , Superintendent BROKER LICENSE EXAMINATION APPLICATION LICENSE QUALIFICATION PROCESS The Ohio Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing, Department of Commerce, issues professional licenses to the foll owing: Real estate salespersons, brokers and appraisers. To receive a state license, an applicant must meet the following requirements: 1.) Be at least 18 years of age. 2.) Be a United States citizen or a legal alien* (must provide proof of being a legal alien). 3.) Be honest, truthful and of good reputation. 4.) Not have been convicted of a felony or a crime of moral turpitu de. Not have violated any civil rights laws regarding real estate within the past two years as determined by a court of law or violated any rules of the Ohio Division of Real Estate. 5.) If originally licensed on or after January 3, 1984, proof of satisfactor y completion of a minimum of two years of post - secondary education. The pre - licensure requirements may be included in these two years. 6.) Complete the education and experience qualifications. 7.) Pay the applicable fees. 8.) Pass the examination. TO QUALIFY TO SIT FOR THE EXAMINATION1.) A completed Broker License Examination Application with $100, non-refundable fee.2.) Submit proof of completion of the education requirements (a copy of official transcripts or course completion certificates).3.) A statement describing any real estate experience other than sales/leasing.endor will process the information and send the applicant a Candidate Information Bulletin with instructions on scheduling the exams. The applicant must pass the State and National portions of the Ohio Real Estate exam in order for a license to be issued. Passing score: 75 Mail the completed Broker Examination Application with required documents and $100 non-refundable check or money order, made payable to the Ohio Division of Real Estate, to the following address:Ohio Department of CommerceDivision of Real Estate and Professional Licensing77 South High Street, 20th floorColumbus, OH 43215 *If you are living in the United States, Federal Law [8 USCS 1621] [PRWORA], limits the issuance of professional licenses to U.S. citizens or aliens lawfully admitted to the U.S. COM 3578 (Rev. 8/2014) Page 1 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. BROK E R LICEN S E EXAM I NATION APPLICATION T h is f o rm is i n teracti v e. Ty p e t h e req u ired i n for m a t i o n i n to t h e for m , p r i n t, sig n , d ate, a n d f o rward t o t h e D i v ision f o r pr o cessin g . Ot h e rwise, t h e f o rm m a y b e pri n ted, ty p e d or h andwritten ( l e g i b ly to preve n t d elays in p r o cess i n g , b lack i n k). FEE: $100.00 FOR DIVISION USE ONLY Note: Inc o m p lete a pp licatio n s will b e re t u r n ed t o t h e req u estor f o r correctio n . Note: The name and date of birth on this applica t ion mu s t match the name and date of bi r t h on the government issued pho t o identi f i c at i on you w ill use to ide n tify your s elf at the ex a mination s i t e. APPLICANT INFORMATION FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME OR INITIAL LAST NAME SUFFIX HOME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER CITY STATE COUNTY ZIP CODE DATE OF BIRTH EMAIL ADDRESS FILE NUMBER (if currently licensed) ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE DATE OF LAST BROKER EXAMINATION (if no license was issued) IF YOUR CURRENT OHIO LICENSE NUMBER WAS ISSUES PRIOR TO THE YEAR 2000, DO YOU WISH TO RETAIN THIS NUMBER ONCE YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY PASSED THE BROKER EXAMINATION? YES NO ETHICAL CONDUCT AND LEGAL HISTORY PLEASE ATTACH A COMPLETE EXPLANATION FOR ANY QUESTIONS ANSWERED BELOW. QUESTIONS CONCERNING PROFESSIONAL LICENSES APPLY TO ALL PROFESSIONAL LICENSES REGARDLESS OF PROFESSION. YES NO Have you ever been disciplined in any manner by any public entity or professional or trade association for any violation of any professional licensing law, regulation or ethical rule, including the Ohio Division of Real Estate? YES NO Have you ever been refused or denied any professional license or registration by any public entity, including the Ohio Division of Real Estate? YES NO Have you ever had any professional license revoked, suspended or limited in any way for any reason? YES NO Have you ever been notified by any public entity or professional or trade association that you were under investigation for any violation of any professional licensing law, regulation or ethical rule, including the Ohio Division of Real Estate? YES NO Have you ever been the subject of any unsatisfied j udgments? YES NO Have you ever been convicted of, plead guilty to or been granted intervention in lieu of conviction for any unlawful conduct excluding minor traffic violations? EXPLAIN: THE A P PL I C A N T MUST COM P L ETE THE FO L L O W I N G CE R TIF I C A TI O N I certify t h at all o f t h e state m en ts o n t h is a pp l icati o n a n d all of the attach e d materials are co m p lete and a c curate. I understa n d t h at a n y f alse state m ent on this form or the attac h ed materials m ay subject m e to c riminal p r ose c ution and t h e l o ss of m y Ohio real est a te license. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NOT I CE: Per R . C. Section 149. 4 3, this applicati o n and the info rm ation c ontained therein, e x cept f o r the social security number, is p u b li c re c ord. NOT I CE: Evidence that p a y m e nt has been refus e d b y the dr a wer's bank upon a ch e ck drawn to the o rder of t he Ohio division of real estate shall constitute prima facie evidence of mis c onduct and shall constitute a violation of section 4735.1 8 (A) ( 6) of the Revised C ode. Page 2 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. EDUCATION 1. Applicant must take four pre - licensure courses in a classroom setting at an institution of higher education: Ohio Real Estate Law (40 hours) Real Estate Appraisal (20 hours) Real Estate Principles & Practices (40 hours) Real Estate Finance (20 hours) 2. Applicant m u st possess a m ini m u m of two y ears of post - secondary education, or a total of sixty (60) se m ester hours or ninety (90) quarter hours from an accredited college or universit y . 3. Take the following four required courses at an accredited college or univer s ity. These courses m ay be included in the post - secondary education: A Financial Management course A Human Resources or Person ne l Management course An Applied Business Economics course A Business Law course ** A TT A CH A COPY OF THE OFFICI A L TR A NSCRIPT OR CERTIFIC A T ES O F C O MPLETI O N F O R THE A B O VE C O URSEW O RK.** EXPERIENCE To be eligible for the Ohio Real Estate Broker Examination, the applicant must have been licensed as a real estate broker or s a les p erson for t w o of the last five y ears and must have w or k ed as a licens e d real estate b r o k er or salesperson for an average of thirty (30) h ours per w eek for t w o of the last five y e ars. YES NO Have you been a licensed real estate broker or salesperson and worked as such an average of thirty (30) hours per week for two of the last five years? TRANSACTIONS O hio Ad m inistrative Code 1301 : 5 - 3 - 04 (A) For the pu r poses of division ( B)( 5 )(a) of section 4735 . 07 of the Revised Code, real estate transaction shall be defined as follows: (1) One consummated bona fide sale of a real property and the improvements thereon for the account of another, in which the a pplicant received compensation and was the procuring or selling agent, shall constitute one - half transaction. (2) One consummated bona fide sale of a real property and the improvements thereon for the account of another, in which the a pplicant received compensation and was the listing agent , shall constitute one - half transaction. (3) One lease of individual commercial or industrial property for a term of at least one year, for the account of another, in which the applicant received compensation and was the procuring agent, shall constitute o ne - half transaction. (4) One lease of individual commercial or industrial property for a term of at least one year for the account of another, in which