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Wage Statement Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Employers Workers Comp.
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Tags: Wage Statement, BWC-1217, Ohio Workers Comp, Employers
Instructions: The employer should complete and sign this Wage Statement
unless the injured worker is self-employed or unemployed. If the injured
worker is self-employed or unemployed, both the Wage Statement and
the affidavit must be completed.
Failure to file wage statements may delay or stop compensation.
The affidavit below may be sworn to without cost before a deputy
in a BWC local customer service office.
I certify the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I am aware that any person who knowingly makes a false statement,
misrepresentation, concealment of fact, or any other act of fraud to
obtain payment as provided by the BWC or who knowingly accepts
payment to which that person is not entitled, is subject to felony criminal
prosecution and may, under appropriate criminal provisions, be punished
by a fine, imprisonment or both.
Date of injury
Wage Statement
Claim number
Injured worker's name
Telephone number
Employer name
If you are applying for wage loss benefits, please include from and to dates.
If employee was employed continuously and/or seven days prior to date of injury – answer 1 & 2. If employed less than seven days prior to date of injury – answer 3 & 4.
1. Total gross wages for six weeks
prior to injury, include overtime
2.Gross wages (excluding overtime) for
seven days prior to injury (using last pay
period prior to date of injury)
3. Employee's hourly rate of pay the
week injury occurred
4. Number of hours employee was
scheduled to work, week of injury
Use the worksheet below to report the employee's weekly wage for the year immediately prior to the date of injury, or attach a report which contains the required information.
Use total gross earnings. Make no deductions for Social Security, pensions, insurance, unemployment, etc. BWC must have an entire year to compute the rate of compensation.
If the employee did not work during any period, state reason(s) below–(Personal, plant shutdown, other injury, illness, etc.)
Pay period ending
# of Days
For pay period ending
# of days
For pay period ending
# of Days
For self-insuring use only
If employee received meals, lodging, tips, etc. in addition to wages, describe and state weekly value.
Will employee receive any wages, meals, lodging, health and accident insurance benefits or any other employee benefits during period of disability which
are fully paid for by the employer? . . . Yes
No If yes, indicate period(s) and amount(s).
I understand that any person who knowingly makes a false statement, misrepresentation, concealment of fact or any other act of fraud to obtain compensation as provided by BWC or self-insuring employers, or who knowingly accepts compensation to which that person is not entitled, is subject to
criminal prosecution and may, under appropriate criminal provisions, be punished by a fine or imprisonment or both.
Employer signature and title
State of Ohio, County of____________________ SS: _________________________________ being first duly sworn,
says that the entire earnings from __________________ to _____________________ ; as listed above is correct.
If unable to write, mark must be witnessed by two persons.
Signature of applicant
Sworn to before me, and subscribed in my presence ______ day of _________________________________ ________ .
Official title
BWC-1217 (Rev. 9/22/2010)
American LegalNet, Inc.