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Disability Evaluator Application Form. This is a Ohio form and can be use in Medical Providers Workers Comp.
Tags: Disability Evaluator Application, BWC-3930, Ohio Workers Comp, Medical Providers
Disability Evaluator
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You must sign and return the completed application and support documentation to the Disability Evaluators Panel (DEP) Coordinator, Ohio Bureau
of Workers’ Compensation, 30 W. Spring St., 21st Floor, Columbus, OH 43215. For any questions on the application, please call 614-995-0451.
Note: Complete this application for acceptance into the DEP for the purpose of performing dispute resolution file reviews, dispute resolution
independent medical examinations, 90-day examinations, permanent partial impairment examinations (C-92), C-92A file reviews, independent medical
examinations and medical file reviews (Non C-92A) for BWC. You must complete a separate application for each disability evaluator who is a member
of a group practice.
Disability Evaluator Information
First name
Professional title
Name of group practice
Are you a certified Health Partnership Program (HPP) Provider?
(Must be a HPP-certified provider)
BWC provider number (if known)
Tax ID number (for Internal Revenue Service purposes)
Social Security number (for ID purposes)
Group practice provider ID number (if applicable for
payment purposes)
Practice location – Where you render services. If there are additional offices where you perform examinations, please attach a separate page with a
listing of each office address and telephone number (must be street address, NOT P.O. Box).
Street address
Suite, floor, etc.
Nine-digit Zip code
E-mail address
Telephone number
FAX number
Administrative Agent Information
If you use an administrative agent for purposes of administrative functions such as appointment scheduling, report preparations/or billing, please
complete the following:
Administrative agent name
Administrative agent BWC provider number (if payment is
to be made to administrative agent)
Street address or P.O. Box
Suite, floor, etc.
Nine-digit Zip Code
E-mail address
Telephone number
Fax number
Correspondence Address
Address to which we should send all correspondence and telephone number for making appointments if different from practice address or
administrative agent address:
Practice name or administrative agent
Street address or P.O. Box
Telephone number
Suite, floor, etc.
Fax number
E-mail address
Nine-digit Zip code
Disability evaluator specialty (IES) – List board certification(s) as approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties or American Osteopathic Association or
Diplomate Status.
Please check the appropriate box(es) indicating the examinations or medical file reviews you wish to perform
Dispute resolution independent medical exam
Disability management independent medical exam
Independent medical examination
Permanent partial impairment examination (C-92)
90-day exams
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Medical file reviews - Non C-92-A
(All file reviews done online)
Dispute resolution file reviews
C-92A file reviews
American LegalNet, Inc.
Professional Standing and Requirements
1. Are you currently licensed and in good standing with the State of Ohio Licensure Board?
i.e., no disciplinary actions initiated or pending? ………………………………………………….
If no, please provide a full explanation and attach to this application
2. Has your license to practice in any state been denied, limited, suspended or revoked?……..
If yes, please provide a full explanation and attach to this application.
3. Are there any pending or prior medical malpractice lawsuits initiated against you?…………..
If yes, please provide a full explanation and attach to this application.
4. Are you in good standing with the federal and Ohio Department of Human Services? (i.e.,
without sanctions or restrictions) …………………………………………………………………..
If no, please provide a full explanation and attach to this application.
5. Have you ever been convicted of a felony in this or any state? …….………………………..
If yes, please provide a full explanation and attach to this application.
6. Do you maintain a permanent office for clinical practice?
If no, please explain.
7. Do you maintain a clinical practice within your specialty? …………………………………….
If no, please provide a full explanation and attach to this application.
8. How many hours per week do you maintain a clinical practice?
9. How many weeks per year do you maintain a clinical practice?
10. Is your practice closed?
Was this a voluntary closure?
Year of closure
Were you in practice at least five years in your specialty?
11. Are you willing to allow review of the injured worker’s records by a BWC representative for
peer review/quality assurance or audit purposes? ……………………………………………….
12. Are your currently Board certified M.D. or D.O. recognized by the American Board of Medical
Specialties or the American Osteopathic Association …………………………………………….
A Chiropractor (D.C.) who has obtained Diplomate status in Orthopedics, Neurology, Internal
Disorders, Sports Medicine, Occupational Health or Rehabilitation as recognized by the
American Chiropractic Association…………………………………………………………….
A Psychologist (Ph.D.) who has three years experience in Health Psychology or Behavioral
Medicine or one year post doctoral training and two years clinical experience in Health
Psychology or Behavioral Medicine? .……………………………………………………………..
Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) who is Board certified in Maxillofacial or Oral Surgery ….
A Podiatrist (D.P.M.) who has Diplomate status by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery
Total percentage of practice from all of the following: BWC; C- 92; Industrial
Commission of Ohio (IC); employers; and injured workers.
Diversity of practice
Total percentage of practice not related to workers’ compensation.
(A & B must total 100 percent.)
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100 %
American LegalNet, Inc.
Please attach a copy of the documents below. Processing the application is contingent upon receipt of these documents.
Current medical professional license
Must be certified as a Health Partnership Program (HPP)
M.D. or D.O. – copy of board certification
DC – copy of diplomate status
Ph.D. – copy of Ph.D. diplomate
D.D.S. – copy of the American Board of Oral
Surgery Certificate
D.P.M. – copy of diplomate status
Please submit date of birth so that we can obtain from
the National Practitioner Data Bank your malpractice
Please list additional language(s) you speak
Mandatory: Payment of electronic transfer see the
enclosed BWC 9904 to complete and fax back to
benefits payable at 614-752-8439
Current curriculum vitae
Malpractice insurance - (coverage sheet)
Comprehensive general liability (coverage sheet) for a minimum aggregate amount of $500,000 – (property and bodily injury)
included for each office, but not required, if applying to perform only medical file reviews)
Ohio workers’ compensation certificate of coverage submitted? (not needed if note from doctor stating no employees)
C-92 requirement
All new applicants requesting to perform neurological or musculoskeletal permanent partial impairment exams (C-92
Exams) and/or C-92A File Reviews must provide documentation of seven hours of Continuing Medical Education Credits
(CMEs) from a BWC sponsored or authorized Impairment/Disability Program based on the AMA Guides to the Evaluation
of Permanent Impairment, 5 Edition. If the new applicant is a psychologist or psychiatrist, in which case two hours of
Continuing Medical Education Credits (CMEs) from a BWC sponsored or authorized Impairment/Disability Program is
required based on the current AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment. The impairment training
requirement is eliminated for the following specialties: Otolaryngologists, opthalmologists, dermatologists, dentists,
pulmonologists, cardiologists, or internal medicine physicians who perform only specific evaluations. This change does not
apply to specialists who wish to perform examinations outside their indicated specialties.
I, the undersigned, hereby attest that the information given in or attached to this application is accurate and fairly
represents the current level of my training, experience, capability and competence to practice at the level requested. I
specifically authorize BWC and its authorized representatives to consult with any third party who may have information
bearing on the subject matter addressed by this application and to inspect or obtain any reports, records,
recommendations, or other documents or disclosures of said third parties that may be material to the questions in this
application. I also specifically authorize any such third parties to release said information to BWC and its authorized
representatives upon request. I hereby release BWC and its authorized representatives and any such third parties from
any liability for any such reports, records, recommendations, or other documents or disclosures involving me that are
made, requested, or received by BWC and/or its authorized representative to, from, or by any such third parties, including
otherwise privileged or confidential information, made or given in good faith relating to the subject matter addressed by this
By signing this application, I am indicating my willingness to perform the independent medical examinations and/or reviews
as indicated on page one (1).
Disability evaluator signature
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Description of Disability Evaluators’ Services
We have provided the description of services below to assist the applicant in the selection of examinations and file reviews
he/she wishes to perform.
1. The DEP for BWC consists of a pool of contracted physicians providing one or more of the services below.
Permanent partial impairment exam (C-92)
Independent medical examination
Disability medical independent medical exam
90-day examination
Dispute resolution independent medical exam
C-92A file reviews
Dispute resolution medical file reviews
Medical file reviews (Non C-92A)
Online file reviews
2. C-92 impairment evaluations: The examining physician reviews the medical records, obtains a history and performs
an examination based on the diagnoses allowed in the claim. Use the most current edition of the AMA Guides to the
Evaluation of Permanent Impairment as a guide while performing an objective unbiased estimate of the percent
impairment of the whole person. There is a CME requirement of the physician to provide this DEP service.
3. Independent medical evaluation (IME): The examining physician reviews medical records, obtains a history and
performs an examination to answer clinical questions as requested by BWC staff responsible for management of the
claim. The questions relate to medical treatment issues or claim allowance issues, but do not address the maximum
medical improvement (MMI) question. There is a clinical practice requirement to provide this DEP service.
4. Disability management IME: This IME allows better management of the disability from work, but also ensures
appropriate and timely medical treatment. The examining physician reviews the medical records, obtains a history and
performs an examination to answer clinical questions as requested by BWC. Questions related to continuation of
treatment, recommendation for future treatment appropriateness. There is a clinical practice requirement to provide
this DEP Service.
5. 90-day IME: The examining physician reviews medical records, obtains a history and performs an examination to
answer clinical questions as requested by BWC. Questions pertain to continuation of treatment, recommendation for
future treatment, appropriateness of current treatment, recommendations for vocational rehabilitation and responding
to the question has the injured worker reached MMI. There is a clinical practice requirement to provide this DEP
6. Alternative dispute resolution IME: The examining physician reviews medical records, obtains a history and
performs an examination to answer clinical questions as requested by BWC alternative dispute resolution (ADR) staff
to provide direction for medical treatment issues in disputed cases. Established national treatment guidelines are used
as a baseline standard for treatment decisions. There is a clinical practice requirement to provide this DEP service.
Note: requires exam within seven days of the BWC request with a 48-hour turnaround for reports.
7. C-92A medical file review: The physician conducts a review based on the medical records and diagnoses allowed in
the claim. Using the most current edition of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, the physician
provides an objective unbiased estimate of the percent impairment of the whole person. This function generally
requires the physician to be on site at the local customer service office. There is a CME requirement of the physician
to provide this DEP service.
8. Alternative dispute resolution file review: The physician reviews the medical records to answer clinical questions
as requested by BWC ADR staff to provide suggestions for medical treatment direction in disputed cases. Established
national treatment guidelines are used as a baseline standard for treatment decisions. There is a clinical practice
requirement to provide this DEP service. Note: on-site review is desired but not required. This review requires 48-hour
report turnaround.
9. Online medical file review: The physician conducts a review of the information in the file to provide medical opinion
on questions provided by the BWC staff responsible for management of the claim. The questions or issues are
medical in nature. It is a BWC requirement that you conduct these reviews online via the Internet, in the physician’s
office or home. There are clinical practice (review of the file review instructional CD) and system requirements (high
speed internet access and an e-mail address) to provide this DEP service.
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