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Local Form 3015-4(B) IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA IN RE: CASE NO. CHAPTER 13 DEBTOR(S). MOTION TO MODIFY PLAN Comes now the Debtor(s) and for their Motion to Modify Plan after confirmation, state: 1. The Debtor(s) financial circumstances have changed as follows: 2. As a result the Debtor(s) request this Court to Modify the Plan to allow them to make the following changes and/or increase funds to unsecured creditors: Creditor Collateral Description of Change Wherefore, the Debtor(s) request the Court to enter an Order Allowing the Debtor(s) to Modify their Plan Post-Confirmation. Dated: /s/ Attorney for Debtor Address City, State, Zip Telephone and Facsimile E-mail Address American LegalNet, Inc. Local Form 3015-4(B) for Motion to Modify and Notice to Modify IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA IN RE: Case Number Chapter 13 Debtor(s). NOTICE OF MOTION NOTICE OF DEADLINE TO FILE OBJECTION TO MOTION AND NOTICE OF HEARING The Debtor(s) have filed a Motion to Modify Plan with the court: YOUR RIGHTS MAY BE AFFECTED. You should read these papers carefully and discuss them with your attorney, if you have one in this bankruptcy case. (If you do not have an attorney, you may wish to consult one.) If you do not want the court to grant the relief sought in the above referenced motion, or if you want the court to consider your views on the motion and your objection, then on or before seven (7) days prior to the hearing you or your attorney must file with the court a written objection explaining your position at: United States Bankruptcy Court P. O. Box 1347 Okmulgee, OK 74447 You must also mail a copy to the name and address listed at the bottom of this Notice unless they are served by electronic notice and, attend the hearing scheduled to be held on at in the [U.S. Bankruptcy Courtroom 215, 4th and Grand Streets, Okmulgee, Oklahoma], if you file an Objection. THIS MATTER IS SET FOR PRELIMINARY HEARING. INTERESTED PARTIES SHOULD ATTEND AND BE PREPARED TO PRESENT LEGAL ARGUMENT. THE COURT WILL NOT HEAR TESTIMONY UNLESS THE COURT DIRECTS OTHERWISE. Local Rule 9013(B) Dated: /s/ Attorney for Debtor Address City, State, Zip Telephone and Facsimile E-mail Address American LegalNet, Inc. Local Form 3015-4(B) for Motion to Modify and Notice to Modify IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA IN RE: Case Number Chapter 13 Debtor(s) CERTIFICATE OF MAILING , does hereby certify that on , true and correct copies of the Motion to Modify the Plan and Notice of Motion to Modify the Plan were mailed by first class mail with proper postage prepaid to all creditors listed on the matrix attached hereto except that copies were mail to the federally insured financial institutions listed below, if any, by certified mail and addressed to an officer or to their attorney and to any other entities listed below, if any. Dated: /s/ Attorney for Debtor Address City, State, Zip Telephone and Facsimile E-mail Address American LegalNet, Inc.