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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA Plaintiff(s), vs. Case Number: Defendant(s). JOINT STATUS REPORT Jury Demanded: I. Yes No Summary of Claims: A. Claims to be Dismissed: II. Summary of Defenses: A. Defenses to be Abandoned: III. IV. Motions Pending (Include Docket Number, Description and Date at Issue): Stipulations: Yes No (If no, explain.) A. Jurisdiction Admitted: B. Venue Appropriate: Yes No (If no, explain.) C. Facts: D. Law: V. Proposed Deadlines: A. Parties to be Added by: Joint Status Report CV-03 (2/2014) American LegalNet, Inc. B. Proposed Discovery Cutoff Date (4 Months of Discovery Unless Extended by the Court for Good Cause): C. Fact Witness Lists to be Exchanged by: D. Proposed Date for Expert Reports by Plaintiff and Defendant: VI. Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(f) Discovery Plan A. Should any changes be made to the timing, form or requirements for disclosures under Rule 26(a)? Yes (If yes, explain.) No B. When were or will initial disclosures under Rule 26(a)(1) be made? Note that pursuant to Rule 26(a)(1), initial disclosures must be made within 14 days after you confer for the purpose of preparing this discovery plan. All parties are under an affirmative duty to (i) comply with the mandatory disclosure requirements, and (ii) notify the Court of any non-disclosure so that the issue can be promptly referred to a magistrate judge for resolution. Failure of any party to disclose information or failure of any party to bring disclosure issues to the Court's attention in a timely manner may result in sanctions, including prohibiting the use of that information at trial pursuant to Rule 37(c)(1). C. Should discovery be conducted in phases and/or should discovery be limited at this time to particular subject matters or issues? Yes No D. Should any changes be made in the limitations on discovery imposed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the Local Civil Rules? Yes (If yes, explain.) No E. Proposed Number of Fact and Expert Depositions: 1. To be allowed for Plaintiff? 2. To be allowed for Defendant? F. Is there a need for any special discovery management order(s) by the Court? Yes (If yes, explain.) No G. The parties are directed to Guidelines for Discovery of Electronically Stored Information on the public website at for advice on the production of electronic information. VII. Anticipated Dispositive Motions? Yes (If yes, describe.) No Do all parties consent to trial before the assigned magistrate judge? Yes No VIII. If yes, please email a proposed Consent to Magistrate for Trial (AO-085) to the Clerk via the designated mailbox at and indicate the month and year in which trial by the magistrate judge is requested. Please do not file proposed documents as an attachment to a document. Joint Status Report CV-03 (2/2014) American LegalNet, Inc. (Refer to Section XIV of the CM/ECF Administrative Guide of Policies and Procedures for further instruction regarding proposed documents.) IX. Is there any matter that should be referred to the assigned magistrate judge for final disposition upon partial consent of all the parties pursuant to Local Rule 73.1? Yes No If yes, please email a completed, proposed Consent to Magistrate Disposition Motion (AO 085A) to the Clerk via the designated mailbox at Please do not file proposed documents as an attachment to a document. (Refer to Section XIV of the CM/ECF Administrative Guide of Policies and Procedures for further instruction regarding proposed documents.) X. Settlement Plan (Check one): Settlement Conference Requested After: Describe Settlement Judge Expertise Required, If Any: Private Mediation Scheduled On: Other ADR (Explain): ADR Appropriate: Yes No (If no, explain.) Copy of the Court's ADR Booklet Provided to Clients as Required? Plaintiffs: Defendants: XI. Yes Yes No No Does this case warrant special case management? Yes (If yes, explain.) No Do the parties request that the Court hold a scheduling conference? Yes No XII. If a conference is not requested or ordered by the Court, the Court will, after receiving this report, issue a scheduling order based on the information contained in this report. XIII. Estimated Trial Time: Attorney for Plaintiff (Name, OBA #, Firm Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, Email): Attorney for Defendant (Name, OBA #, Firm Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, Email): Joint Status Report CV-03 (2/2014) American LegalNet, Inc.