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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NUMBER vs. Plaintiff(s) PRAECIPE FOR SUBPOENA Defendant(s) TO THE CLERK OF SAID COURT: Please issue Subpoenas for: NAME OF WITNESS(S) ADDRESS To appear as witness day of M. On behalf of , 20 , at on the o'clock ATTORNEY OR PRO SE NAME ATTORNEY OR PRO SE SIGNATURE ADDRESS OF ATTORNEY OR PRO SE CITY & STATE ZIP PHONE NO. EMAIL ADDRESS American LegalNet, Inc. Certificate of Service ____ I hereby certify that on (date) ___________________, I electronically transmitted the attached document to the Clerk of Court using the ECF System for filing. Based on the records currently on file, the Clerk of Court will transmit a Notice of Electronic Filing to the following ECF registrants: (insert names) _____ I hereby certify that on (date) _________________, I served the attached document by (service method) __________________________________________________________ on the following, who are not registered participants of the ECF System: (insert names and addresses) ________________________________ s/ Attorney Name American LegalNet, Inc.