Application For Reservation Of Name Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Application For Reservation Of Name Form. This is a Oklahoma form and can be use in Business Entity Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Application For Reservation Of Name, 0034, Oklahoma Secretary Of State, Business Entity
AP PPLIC CATIO FOR ON R RESE ERVAT TION OF NA AME Filin Fee: $10. ng .00 O OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE Y TO: OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE 421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210 m 101, State Ca 2 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room apitol Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 O Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73105-4897 y, (405) 522-2520 ( (405) 522-2520 0 PLE EASE NOTE E: If the na ame of the applicant or address sta a r ated within this reserva ation does N NOT appear in the lega al business entity filing document, a FILED COPY of t g this name r reservation M MUST acco ompany such h documen nt. I hereby request tha the follow at wing name be reserved for a perio of sixty (60) days prior to the d od e orga anization of the legal bus t siness entity pursuant to the provisio of Title 18, Section 1139 or Sec ons ction 2009 or r Title 54, Section 500-109A: e n 1 Name to be reserved: 1. 2 Name wi be used fo one of the following: (PLEASE C 2. ill or e CHECK ON NE) Corpo oration Limite Partnersh ed hip 3 Name of Applicant: 3. f Limited Liability Co ompany Other 4 Address of Applicant 4. t: Address City State Zip Code p The applicatio for nam reservation must be signed b the appl e on me b by licant appl lying for th reserved he d nam me. Signature of Applicant: o Dated: American LegalNet, Inc. (SOS FOR RM0034-07/12)