Transfer Of Trade Name Report
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Transfer Of Trade Name Report Form. This is a Oklahoma form and can be use in Business Entity Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Transfer Of Trade Name Report, 0016, Oklahoma Secretary Of State, Business Entity
TRA ANSFER R OF TRA ADE NA AME RE EPORT T TO: OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE O OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE Y 2 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room apitol 421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210 m 101, State Ca O Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73105-4897 y, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 ( (405) 522-2520 0 (405) 522-2520 Filing Fee: $25.00 0 I hereby execute the following ar rticles to tra ansfer a trade name in Ok e klahoma fro one busin om ness entity to o anoth pursuant to the provisions of Tit 18, Sectio 1140.2: her t tle on 1 The name of the trad name wh is to be transferred: 1. de hich t 2 The legal name of the business en 2. l ntity current holding th trade nam tly he me: A used in this section: "Bu As s usiness Entit means a corporation, a business trus a common law trust, a limited liability ty" c st, y c company, or any unincorpo a orated business, including any form of p partnership. 3 The legal name of the "Recipien business entity to wh 3. l nt" hich the trade name is be e eing transferr red: 4 Type of "Recipient" business en 4. " ntity to whic the trade name is bei transferr to: (chec one of the ch ing red ck e following g) corporation c limited liabil company l lity y business trust unin ncorporated b business common l trust law partnershi ip 5 State or jurisdiction of formation of the " Re 5. j n ecipient" bu usiness entity y: 6 Address(es) where business is be 6. b eing carried on under su transferre trade nam uch ed me: (REVE ERSE SIDE OF FORM MUST BE SIGNED A E M E AND DATE ED) American LegalNet, Inc. (SOS FORM 0016-07/12) M ) COMPLETE BOTH ACKNOWLEDGMENT SECTIONS. CURRENT BUSINESS ENTITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Signed this day of , by: Signature Printed Name Title Signature Printed Name Title RECIPIENT BUSINESS ENTITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Signed this day of , by: Signature Printed Name Title Signature Printed Name Title American LegalNet, Inc. (SOS FORM 0016-07/12)