Certificate Of Dissolution Before Issuance of Shares or Beginning Business Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Certificate Of Dissolution Before Issuance of Shares or Beginning Business Form. This is a Oklahoma form and can be use in Corporation Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Certificate Of Dissolution Before Issuance of Shares or Beginning Business, 0020, Oklahoma Secretary Of State, Corporation
CE ERTIFI ICATE OF DI E ISSOL LUTION N (BEFOR THE ISS RE SUANCE OF SHARES O BEGINN F OR NING BUSIN NESS) Oklahom Profit Co ma orporation Fili Fee: $50 ing 0.00 TO: OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE O Y 2 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room apitol 421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210 m 101, State Ca O Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73105-4897 y, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 ( (405) 522-2520 0 (405) 522-2520 I hereby execute the following articles for th purpose o dissolving an Oklahoma corporat a he of g tion pursuan nt to th provisions of Title 18, Section 109 he s , 95: 1 Name of the corporat 1. f tion: 2 Date of in 2. ncorporation of such cor n rporation: 3 NAME and street ad 3. a ddress of the registered agent for serv of proce in the sta of Oklaho a vice ess ate oma: The registered agent shall be an individu resident of Oklahom or a dom T b ual ma mestic or qua alified foreign n co orporation, lim mited liability company, or limited part y tnership. Oklah homa Name Street Ad ddress XES T BLE) (P.O. BOX ARE NOT ACCEPTAB City Sta ate Z Code Zip County CHE ECK THE FOLLOWIN APPLIC F NG CABLE STA ATEMENT TS: 4 4. No shares of stock have been issued. o s OR Th business or activity fo which the corporation was organized has not b he o or n begun. 5 5. No part of the capital of sa corporati has been paid. o aid ion n OR If some capita has been paid, the am al mount, if an actually paid in for its shares, l ny, less any par rt thereof disbur rsed for nece essary expen nses, has been returned to those entitl thereto. n o led (SOS FOR 0020-07/12) RM American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 6 6. If the corpora f ation has beg business but it has no issued sha gun s ot ares, all debt of the corp ts poration have been pai id. OR If the corpor f ration has not begun business but has issued stock certi n ificates, all issued stock k ce ertificates, if any, have been surrend f b dered and can nceled. 7 All rights and franchises of the corporation are surrender 7. s a red. The certificate of dissolu e e ution must be signed by the maj ajority of th incorporators, or if directors he were named in the origi n inal certifi icate of inc corporation or have been elect n ted, a majo ority of the e dire ectors. is Signed thi day of , by: Sign nature: Printed Name: Sign nature: Printed Name: Sign nature: Printed Name: (SOS FOR 0020-07/12) RM American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com