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RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION (Oklahoma Not for Profit Corporation) TO: OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 101, State Capitol 421 N.W. 13th, Suite 210 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-4897 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 (405) 522-2520 (405) 522-2520 Filing Fee: $25.00 I hereby execute the following articles for the purpose of restating the certificate of incorporation in its entirety for: , an Oklahoma not for profit corporation, pursuant to the provisions of Title 18, Section 1080: 1. Name of the corporation: (Note: The name of the corporation shall contain one of the words association, company, corporation, club, foundation, fund, incorporated, institute, society, union, syndicate, limited or any abbreviations thereof, with or without punctuation, which shall be such as to distinguish it upon the records in the Office of the Secretary of State.) 2. Date of filing of its original certificate of incorporation: 3. NAME and the street address of the registered agent for service of process in the State of Oklahoma: The registered agent shall be the corporation itself, an individual resident of Oklahoma, or a domestic or qualified foreign corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership. Oklahoma Name Street Address City (P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE) State Zip Code County 4. In the event the corporation is a CHURCH, the street address of its location in Oklahoma: Street Address (P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE) City State Zip Code 5. Duration of the corporation is perpetual, unless otherwise stated: 6. Nature of the business or purposes for which the corporation is being formed: It shall be sufficient to state, either alone or with other businesses or purposes, that the purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the general corporation law of Oklahoma. (SOS FORM 0048-07/12) American LegalNet, Inc. 7 E-MAIL address of the primary contact for the registere business: 7. L t ed 8 This corp 8. poration does not have authority to issue capital stock. a 9 This cor 9. rporation is not for pr rofit, and as such the corporation does not afford pec a n cuniary gain n, incidenta or otherw ally wise, to its members. m CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ST K T TATEMEN TS, WHICH HEVER IS APPLICAB BLE: Such Res stated Certif ficate of Inco orporation was duly ado w opted in acc cordance wit the provis th sions of Title e 18, S Section 1080 after being proposed by the governing body o the corpor 0 g b of ration and ap pproved by t members the of th corporatio in the ma he on anner and by the vote pr y rescribed in Title 18, Section 1077, and restates, integrates and f further ame ends the cert tificate of in ncorporation. OR Such Res stated Certif ficate of Inco orporation was duly ado w opted in acc cordance wit the provis th sions of Title e 18, S Section 1080 by the gov 0 verning body without a vote of the members of the corpora y f ation in acco ordance with h Title 18, Section 1077, and merely res e n d states and integrates a does no further a i and ot amend the c certificate of incor rporation as up to this time amend or supp s ded plemented, a that ther is no discrepancy be and re etween those e prov visions and th provision of this rest he ns tated certific cate. The restated certificate of incorpor e c o ration must be signed by the pre t d esident or v presid vice dent of said d corp poration an attested to by its se nd d ecretary or assistant secretary. r Signed thi is day of , by: Signa ature of President or Vice President ested to by: Atte Sign nature of Secr retary or Assistant Secret tary Prin Name nted Printed Name P e (SOS FORM 0048-07/12) M ) American LegalNet, Inc.