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Professional Certificate of Limited Partnership Form. This is a Oklahoma form and can be use in Limited Partnership Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Professional Certificate of Limited Partnership, 0038, Oklahoma Secretary Of State, Limited Partnership
PROFE P ESSION NAL CERT TIFICAT TE OF LIM MITED P PARTNE ERSHIP (O Oklahoma L Limited Part tnership) TO: OKLAHOMA ECRETARY OFOF STATE O OKLAHOMA SE F SECRETARY STATE 2 2300 N. Lincoln Suite 210 01, 421 N.W. 13th, Blvd., Room 10 State Capitol O Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 O OklahomaCity, Oklahoma 73105-4897 (405) 522-2520 (405) 522-2520 Filing Fee: $100.0 00 PLE EASE NOTE E: ATTACH HED HERET is a certifi TO icate or an OR RIGINAL let of good st tter tanding issued by the regul d lating board of o the profes ssion or relate professions involved, tha each of the officers, dire ed s at e ectors and sha areholders are duly licensed e d to practice such profession. e I hereby execute the following articles for the purpose of forming an Oklaho e e g oma professi ional limited d partn nership pursu to the provisions of Title 18, Se uant p f ection 801: 1 The limit partnersh is a Limi Liability Limited Pa 1. ted hip ited y artnership: (c check one) No (Article #2A) o OR Yes (Arti #2B) icle 2 A) Name of the limit partnersh (Note: Th name of a limited partnership must c 2. e ted hip: he contain the ph hrase "limited d partnersh hip" or the ab bbreviation L.P. or LP; pr L rovided, that s such words or abbreviation shall be m r ns modified by the word "professional" or some abbre o eviation of the combination including, w e n, without limita ation, P.L.P. or PLP.) B) Name of the limit liability limited partn e ted l nership: (Not The name of a limited l te: liability limite partnership ed p must cont the phras "limited li tain se iability limite partnersh or the abb ed hip breviation LL LLP or L.L.L L.P.; provided d, that such words or ab bbreviations shall be mod s dified by the word "prof fessional" or some abbrev viation of the ion, g, mitation, P.L.L L.L.P. or PLL LLP.) combinati including without lim 3 Street and mailing ad 3. ddress of the designated office: e The designate office is th office addr T ed he ress of the lim mited partnership in Oklah homa, which need not be a place of its ac p ctivity. Ok klahoma Street & Mailing Addr M ress . E EPTABLE) (P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCE City State Z Code Zip 4 NAME and street and mailing address of the register agent fo service of process in the state of 4. a a red or f Oklahom ma: The agent mu be the lim T ust mited partners ship itself, an individual r n resident of Ok klahoma, or a corporation n, limited liabilit company or limited part l ty o tnership form in or auth med horized to do b business in O Oklahoma. Oklahom ma Name Street & Mailing Addres M ss B PTABLE) (P.O. BOXES ARE NOT ACCEP City State Zi Code ip (SOS FOR 0038-07/12 RM 2) American LegalNet, Inc. 5. NAME and street and mailing address of each general partner: Name Street & Mailing Address City State Zip Code 6. Profession or related professions to be practiced through the professional entity: 7. Term of duration is to be perpetual, unless stated otherwise: 8. E-MAIL address of the primary contact for the registered business: Notice of the Annual Certificate will ONLY be sent to the limited partnership at its last known electronic mail address of record. 9. Set forth any additional information: (Title 54, Section 500-111A) The professional certificate of limited partnership must be signed by all general partners stated within article #5. If the general partner is a corporation, then the certificate shall be signed by the president or vice president of the corporation, and attested to by the secretary or assistant secretary of said corporation. Signed this day of , by: Signature of General Partner Signature of General Partner Printed Name Printed Name Title Title (SOS FORM 0038-07/12) American LegalNet, Inc.