Trademark Registration Renewal
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Trademark Registration Renewal Form. This is a Oklahoma form and can be use in Trademark Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Trademark Registration Renewal, 0046, Oklahoma Secretary Of State, Trademark
FEE: $25.00 per class PRINT CLEARLY TRADEMARK REGISTRATION RENEWAL TO: OKLAHOMA SECRETARY OF STATE Oklahoma Secretary of State 421 N.W. Lincoln Blvd., Room 101, State Capitol Building 2300 N. 13th, Suite 210 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 Oklahoma City, OK 73105-4897 (405) 522-2520 (405) 521-3912 The undersigned, in order to renew the registration of a trademark in the state of Oklahoma pursuant to the provisions of 78 O.S., Section 25, hereby submits the following application: 1. The trademark name and/or design: 2. 3. 4. The trademark was registered with the Secretary of State on: The trademark registration number is: The trademark was registered under the following statutory classification(s) of goods or services: Class Number(s)/Class Name(s): Class Number(s)/Class Name(s): Class Number(s)/Class Name(s): , which expires on , which expires on , which expires on 5. 6. Applicant's full & exact name: Applicant is: an individual doing business as: incorporated in the state of: other legal entity: 7. Applicant's business address: The undersigned applicant is the owner of the trademark and no other person has the right to use such trademark in this state American LegalNet, Inc. either in the identical form thereof or in such near resemblance thereto as might be calculated to deceive or to be mistaken therefor. Signed this day of , . Signature Title, if applicable (SOS FORM 0046-06/99) American LegalNet, Inc.