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335.5 (12/1/2018) U.S. BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON AUDIO RECORDING OF COURT PROCEEDINGS ORDER FORM Instructions: Complete the form below and submit to the court with your payment , unless : 225 you have an ECF account. Please e-file your request. No form is necessary. 225 you want an audio recording of a meeting of creditors. Contact the U.S. Trustee at (503) 326-4000 for Portland division cases and (541) 465-6330 for Eugene division cases. Name of Person Requesting Phone # (include extension if applicable) Email Ad dress where Audio Link will be s ent: G Mark this box if you do not have an email address. The court will notify you by telephone when the audio request is completed and ready to be picked up. If requesting that a CD be mailed to you, include an appropriately sized self-addressed stamped envelope with adequate postage. Address City State Zip Code Bankruptcy Case Name Bankruptcy Case # Adversary Case # (if applicable) HEARING INFORMATION A separate form must be completed for each court proceeding. Date of Proceeding: Time of Proceeding: Do you want a recording of the entire court proceeding? Yes G No G If No, please describe below: FORMAT REQUESTED G For playback using Windows Media Player (version 7.0 or higher) G For playback using FTR Player Plus, which may be downloaded at no charge from . G For playback on any Audio CD Player (not available when requesting recording via audio link) COST REQUIREMENTS Each audio recording of a court proceeding is $31.00. Payment is required before a request can be processed. Make checks or money orders payable to 223Clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court224. Audio requests are ordinarily completed within two business days of receipt and may be expedited upon request. Mail Orders: Please send your check/money order along with this form to: U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 1050 SW 6th Ave. #700, Portland OR 97204 for cases assigned to Judges Brown, McKittrick, and Hercher. Phone: (503) 326-1500 U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 405 E 8th Ave. #2600, Eugene OR 97401 for cases assigned to Judge Renn. Phone: (541) 431-4000 American LegalNet, Inc.