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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTDISTRICT OF OREGONAPPLICATION FOR ATTORNEY ADMISSIONApplicable Local Rules: LR 83-1 to 83-5 set forth the rules and requirements for admission to practice before the bar of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon. Requirements for General Admission: LR 83-1 and LR 83-2 require that each applicant must: (1) be an active member in good standing of the Oregon State Bar; and (2) submit a completed Application for Attorney Admission and CM/ECF Registration and two sponsor Certificates. These forms are included in this packet and must be e-filed in CM/ECF. During e-filing, applicants will be prompted to pay the admission fee via More information about obtaining a CM/ECF login and password for purposes of filing these forms is available at Reinstatement Following a Voluntary Inactive Period: Attorneys who have applied for reinstatement to the Oregon State Bar (pursuant to Title 8.1 or 8.2 of the Oregon State Bar's Rules of Procedure) after a voluntary period of inactivity must also separately apply for reinstatement to the bar of this Court after being reinstated to the Oregon State Bar by the Oregon Supreme Court or the Executive Director of the Oregon State Bar. Applications for reinstatement before this Court must be e-filed in CM/ECF using this application for general admission and the same forms required by the Oregon State Bar. The applicant must also pay the general admission application fee via during e-filing. Reinstatement Following State Bar Disciplinary Action: Attorneys who have applied for reinstatement to the Oregon State Bar (pursuant to Title 8 of the Oregon State Bar's Rules of Procedure) must also separately apply for reinstatement to the bar of this Court after being reinstated by the Oregon Supreme Court. Applications for reinstatement before this Court must be e-filed in CM/ECF using this application for general admission and the same forms required by the Oregon State Bar. The applicant must also pay the general admission application fee via during e-filing. Scheduling an Admission Ceremony: Applicants are required to personally attend an attorney admissions ceremony in order to be admitted to practice before this Court. Monthly admission ceremonies are scheduled in Portland, Eugene, and Medford and may be scheduled in Pendleton. After the application has been received and processed, a deputy clerk will notify the attorney of the date and time for the scheduled admission ceremony via a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) "Notice of Admissions Ceremony." U.S. District Court Oregon Application for Attorney Admission and CM/ECF Registration [ Rev. 03/2018] Page 1 of 5 American LegalNet, Inc. Portland or Pendleton Eugene Medford U.S. District Court - Oregon Attorney Admissions Clerk Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse 1000 SW Third Avenue Suite 740 Portland, OR 97204 - 2902 (503) 326 - 8050 U.S. District Court - Oregon Attorney Admissions Clerk Wayne L. Morse U.S. Courthouse 405 East Eighth Avenue Room 2100 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 431 - 4100 U.S. District Court - Oregon Clerk ' s Office James A. Redden U.S. Courthouse 310 W Sixth Street Room 227 Medford, OR 97501 (541) 608 - 8777 U.S. District Court Historical Society: The U.S. District Court attorney admission fee includes a one-year membership in the U.S. District Court Historical Society (USDCHS). To complete enrollment in the Historical Society, submit the membership application form available on the USDCHS website at Federal Bar Association Oregon Chapter: The Federal Bar Association is a national association with local chapters. The Oregon Chapter actively participates with the Court to improve the quality of federal litigation in the District and Bankruptcy Courts in Oregon. Admission to the Federal Bar Association is open to all attorneys admitted to practice before this Court. The Oregon Chapter has monthly lunch meetings in Portland from September through May of each year, usually on the third Thursday of the month. Luncheon speakers include federal district, magistrate, and bankruptcy judges and other speakers of interest to members. The Oregon Chapter also regularly holds CLE Federal Practice and Procedure seminars throughout the District for both young lawyers and experienced practitioners. Federal judges participate as speakers in these CLE activities. For further information about the FBA or for a membership application form, please visit the FBA's website. Pro Bono Representation Panel: In 1989, the United States District Court for the District of Oregon established a Pro Bono Representation Panel of volunteer attorneys. The purpose of this panel is to represent pro se litigants in the prosecution of their civil actions before the Court. Panel appointment and use is supervised by the District's Pro Bono Panel Administrator. Upon the filing of an order appointing pro bono counsel, the Court will ask an attorney on the panel to investigate the plaintiff's case and accept representation if there is a meritorious claim. Funds are available for reimbursement of expenses incurred prior to a decision to accept or decline representation. Should an attorney accept representation and prevail, attorney's fees may be claimed as provided by law. The Court actively seeks qualified attorneys to join the panel, and we ask you to consider volunteering your services to this important effort. Please complete the application form included in this packet and file it along with your application for admission. U.S. District Court Oregon Application for Attorney Admission and CM/ECF Registration [ Rev. 03/2018] Page 2 of 5 American LegalNet, Inc. U.S. District Court Website: The website for the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon ( contains information about local rules, court notices, fee schedules, forms, and Case Management/Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF). Attorney Admission Fund: By general order of the Court, attorneys applying for admission pursuant to LR 83 pay a specified amount in excess of the basic fee set by the Judicial Conference. This excess amount will be deposited to the District's Attorney Admission Fund. Monies held in the Attorney Admission Fund are to be used for the benefit of the bench and bar. Examples include sponsoring courtroom technology training and certification for trial lawyers and other continuing legal education programs. U.S. District Court Oregon Application for Attorney Admission and CM/ECF Registration [ Rev. 03/2018] Page 3 of 5 American LegalNet, Inc. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON In the Matter of the Application of (full name of applicant)002 (name of applicant as it will appear on filings)002 for Admission to the Bar of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon Application for Attorney Admission and CM/ECF Registration In accordance with LR 83-1, I am applying for admission to the Bar of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon. In support of this application, I certify that: 1) I am an active member in good standing with the Oregon State Bar; and 2) that I have read and am familiar with the Federal Rules of Evidence, the Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure, the Local Rules of this Court, and this Court's Statement of Professionalism. (1)003 PERSONAL DATA: Name: (Last Name) (First Name)003 (MI) (Suffix) Agency/firm affiliation:002 Mailing address:002 City:002 State: Zip: Phone number: Fax number: Business e-mail address: (2)003 EDUCATION: (a)003 Undergraduate School: City: State: Year Graduated: Degree(s): U.S. District Court Oregon003 Application for Attorney Admission and CM/ECF Registration [Rev. 03/2018]003 Page 4 of 6 American LegalNet, Inc. (b)003 Graduate School: City: State: Year Graduated: Degree(s): (c)003 Law School: City: State: Year Graduated: Degree(s): (3)003 BAR ADMISSIONS INFORMATION: (a)003 Date admitted to the Oregon State Bar and bar number (include date(s) of reinstatement to the bar, if applicable): (b)003 Other state bar admissi