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Deschutes County Circuit Court Appendix 1 11 th Judicial District SLR 6.012 (3) 201 9 Supplementary Local Rules Revised and E ffective February 1, 201 9 1 2 3 4 5 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 6 FOR THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES 7 8 ) Case No. 9 ) 10 Petitioner/Plaintiff ) SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE ORDER 11 vs. ) 12 ) 13 ) 14 Respondent/Defendant ) 15 ) 16 17 18 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the parties and their counsel shall appear for a settlement 19 conference on 20 , at a.m./p.m., before Judge 20 . 21 22 Each attorney and party or representative of a corporation or insurance company who has full 23 authority to settle and comprom ise the litigation shall personally appear at the settlement conference. 24 Each attorney or party shall submit to the settlement judge, no less than one (1) business day prior to 25 the scheduled settlement conference, a settlement memorandum. The memorandum s hall contain the 26 following: 27 28 1. A brief analysis of the issues involved in the litigation. 29 30 2. Status of any settlement negotiation, including the last settlement proposal made by you 31 and received by you. 32 33 3. A settlement proposal that you believe would be fair. 34 35 4. Any obstacles to settlement. 36 37 38 39 Page 1 S ETTLEMENT CONFERENCE ORDER 40 American LegalNet, Inc. Deschutes County Circuit Court Appendix 1 11 th Judicial District SLR 6.012 (3) 201 9 Supplementary Local Rules Revised and E ffective February 1, 201 9 This document should not exceed three (3) pages in length and does not have to be served on 1 other attorneys or parties. In domestic relations cases each attorney shall also provide to the 2 settlement judge a proposed distribution of assets and liabilities, and if support is involved, a proposal 3 for child and/or spousal support, no less than one (1) business day prior to the scheduled settlement 4 conference. This document shall be served on t he opposing attorney or party. All documents and 5 information submitted to the settlement judge shall be presumed confidential unless a copy is provided 6 to the opposing side(s). 7 8 The attorneys for the parties shall determine with certainty the amount of a ny third party liens 9 or subrogated interests to the settlement conference. The third party claims representative shall be 10 available by telephone if such interests need to be considered and resolved as part of any settlement. 11 12 Motions for continuance of a settlement conference shall be made in a timely manner to the 13 settlement conference judge. No settlement conference shall be reset if it would interfere with a 14 scheduled trial date without the permission of the assigned trial judge. Any request to depar t from this 15 settlement conference order must be made to the settlement conference judge. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Page 2 S ETTLEMENT CONFERENCE ORDER 40 American LegalNet, Inc.