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Defendants Answer (Return Of Personal Property) Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Linn Local County.
Tags: Defendants Answer (Return Of Personal Property), Oregon Local County, Linn
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF LINN ______________________________________________________) (Tenant), ) DEFENDANTS ANSWER ______________________________________________________) (RETURN OF PERSONAL PROPERTY) Plaintiff(s) ) vs. ) ) CASE NO: ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________) (Landlord), ) ______________________________________________________) Defendant(s) ) I (we) deny that the plaintiff(s) is (are) entitled to possession of the personal property subject of the complaint because: [ ] The defendant(s) did not take and do have possession of any of the property listed in the complaint. [ ] The defendant(s) took possession of the property as provided in ORS 90.425 or section 27b, chapter 577, Oregon Laws 1997, after giving written notice that it was considered abandoned, and the plaintiff(s) did not make a timely demand for return of the property. [ ] The defendant(s) took possession of the property as provided in ORS 90.425 or section 27b, chapter 577, Oregon Laws 1997, after giving written notice that it was considered abandoned, but not after a sheriffs enforcement of an eviction judgment against the plaintiff(s) as provided in ORS 105.165, and the plaintiff(s) refused to pay charges lawfully due for storage. [ ] Other: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I (we) ask that the plaintiff(s) take nothing by the complaint and that I (we) be awarded my (our) costs and disbursements. _______________________________________________________________ DEFENDANT OR AGENT SIGNATURE OSB# _______________________________________________________________ PRINT OR TYPE NAME OF DEFENDANT OR AGENT _______________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS CITY _______________________________________________________________ STATE ZIP TELEPHONE NUMBER Subscribed and sworn before me this _________ day of ________________________________, _______. (Month) (Year) (SEAL) By: ___________________________________________________ TRIAL COURT ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK/NOTARY FED PP ANS REV 11/97