Request For Hearing
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Request For Hearing Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Linn Local County.
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Tags: Request For Hearing, Oregon Local County, Linn
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF In the Matter of the Marriage of: ___________________________________, Petitioner, and ___________________________________, Respondent. I, (print your name) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. REQUEST FOR HEARING , request a hearing. I object to the Protective Order of Restraint (Status Quo Order) because I disagree with the representation of the status quo (where the child/ren has/have been residing for the past three months and daily schedule) in the following particulars: Additional page attached labeled "Request for Hearing, continued." Certificate of Document Preparation. You are required to truthfully complete this certificate regarding the document you are filing with the court. Check all boxes and complete all blanks that apply: I selected this document form myself, and I completed it without paid assistance. I paid or will pay money to _______________________ for assistance in preparing this form. Dated: , 20 . Print Name Petitioner Respondent Attorney for Petitioner or Respondent OSB No. (if applicable) Address or Contact Address City, State, Zip Telephone or Contact Telephone REQUEST FOR HEARING - Page 1 of 1 6C-StatusQuo: ReqHearing-6CVer02.doc 2016 American LegalNet, Inc.