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Summons (Return Of Personal Property) Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Linn Local County.
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Tags: Summons (Return Of Personal Property), Oregon Local County, Linn
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF LINN __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Plaintiff(s )/Agent vs. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Defendant(s) Case No: ____________________________ SUMMO NS (Return of Personal Property/Tenancy not covered by ORS C hapter 90) TO: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address of Defendant City State Zip ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address (if different) NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ a t ___ ___ ___ ___ _, _____ ___ A.M ./P.M . before a Ju dg e in the above entitled court at the Linn Coun ty Courthouse, 300 SW 4TH AVE, ROOM 107, ALBANY, ORE GO N 97321 (541)-967-3845 You must appear in this case or the other side will win automatically. If you fail to appear, the Plaintiff may take judgment aga inst you for the restitution of c ertain (person al property) or (prem ises), as d esc ribed in plaintiff's c om plaint, plus co sts and disbu rsem ents . IF YOU WANT A TRIAL, YOU MUST: < < < < Show up in court at the time scheduled above; On the s am e day, file an Ans wer with the Court (the Cou rt can give you a form); Give a copy of the Answer to the plaintiff; and Pay the current filing fee (the judge m ay allow paym ent to be deferred in certain circum stances). IF Y OU HAV E Q UE ST ION S, Y OU SH OU LD SEE AN ATT OR NE Y IM M ED IATE LY . If you need help find ing an atto rney, you can c all the O rego n Sta te Ba r's Lawyer R eferral Se rvice at 503-68 4-37 63 o r toll-free in Orego n at 800-4 52-7 636 . There may be free or low-cost legal services in your local area that may be helpful to you in these proceedings. For information about these services, you can call 541-926-8678 or 800-817-4605. _________________________________________________ Signature of Plaintiff (landlord/agent/attorney) OSB No. _________________________________________________ Plaintiff's address _________________________________________________ Plaintiff's telephone number I certify that this is a true copy of the original summ ons: ____________________________________________ Plaintiff's Signature American LegalNet, Inc.