Fee Waiver Or Deferral Recommendation And Order Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Fee Waiver Or Deferral Recommendation And Order Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Marion Local County.
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Tags: Fee Waiver Or Deferral Recommendation And Order, Oregon Local County, Marion
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF Marion Plaintiff/Petitioner Case No. ___________________ v. Defendant/Respondent Plaintiff/Petitioner Defendant/Respondent Order Regarding Deferral or Waiver of Fees for: The court finds that the applicant is currently unable to pay all or part of the noted fees. THE COURT HEREBY ORDERS THAT: 1. Deferral (Temporary): The court DEFERS the following fees on a temporary and/or partial basis: Filing Fees Sheriff's Service Fee Motion Fee Arbitration Fee Trial Fee Other: (describe) Payment must be made According to the terms of the attached payment plan (or) $ month until paid in full beginning _____________ As ordered by a judgment in this case (or) Other: per If fees are not paid as ordered, judgment will be entered against you without further notice. 2. Waiver: The court WAIVES the following fees (no payment): Filing Fees Sheriff's Service Fee Arbitration Fee Trial Fee Other (describe) Motion Fee 3. Denial: The court DENIES the applicant's request for deferral or waiver of fees because: Applicant is financially able to pay the fees (see part _____ of the Declaration); Application contains insufficient information (see part _____ of the Declaration); Other findings _______________________________________________ Date Circuit Court Judge or designee Fee Deferral or Waiver Order (eForm: 11/9/12) Page 1 of 1 Case No: