Order For Deferral Of Arbitrator Fee Or Other Costs-Fees
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Order For Deferral Of Arbitrator Fee Or Other Costs-Fees Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Marion Local County.
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Tags: Order For Deferral Of Arbitrator Fee Or Other Costs-Fees, Oregon Local County, Marion
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ___________________________________,) ORDER FOR DEFERRAL OF Plaintiff/Petitioner,) Arbitrator Fee ) Costs/Fees v. ) ___________________________________,) Case No. ____________________ Defendant/Respondent.) Based upon the motion and affidavit filed herein, it is hereby ordered: Motion for Fee Deferral is DENIED. Plaintiff/Petitioners: Arbitrator Fee Costs/Fees for ____________________ Defendant/Respondents: Arbitrator Fee Costs/Fees for ____________________ shall be deferred as follows. Payment of said fee(s) shall be: due in full before entry of Judgment. payable at a rate of $______/month until paid in full. The first payment is due on or before ___________________________, and subsequent payments shall be due on the same day of each month thereafter until paid in full. payable under the following terms: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ The Court reserves the right to strike pleadings if fees are not paid as ordered, and proceed with the case on the pleadings of the opposing party only. In accordance with ORS 21.605, all amounts deferred constitute a monetary obligationpayable to the State of Oregon, and may be added to the judgment or other final written disposition of this action or proceeding without further notice to the debtor or further court order. Dated this _____ day of _________________, ______. ____________________________________ Circuit Court Judge ____________________________________ Print, Type or Stamp Name of JudgeORDER FOR DEFERRAL OF COSTS/FEES - Page 1 of 1 FC(2/1/04)