Order To Set Aside And Seal Records Of Arrest
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Order To Set Aside And Seal Records Of Arrest Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Marion Local County.
Tags: Order To Set Aside And Seal Records Of Arrest, A, Oregon Local County, Marion
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION ___________________________, DOB: v. STATE OF OREGON Defendant. This matter came before the Court upon the Motion of the Plaintiff for an Order to Set Aside Records of Arrest, pursuant to ORS 137.225. The State of Oregon appeared by and through the District Attorney for Marion County. The Court, having reviewed the records and being fully advised about this matter, finds as follows: 1. The following items were served upon the District Attorney for Marion County: (1) a copy of the Motion to Set Aside Records of Arrest, (2) a copy of the affidavit in support of that motion, and (3) a complete set of Plaintiff's fingerprints. 2. The Department of State Police has made positive identification of this Plaintiff and further identified this Plaintiff by: Plaintiff ORDER TO SET ASIDE AND SEAL RECORDS OF ARREST Case No. ______________________ Date of Arrest: Submitting Agency: Arrested on Charges of: Oregon State Bureau No: FBI Identification No: 3. The circumstances and behavior of the Plaintiff since the date of arrest warrant sealing the records of that arrest. Now, therefore, the Court hereby orders as follows: 1. The record of Plaintiff's arrest for ______________________________________________________ maintained by any law enforcement agency regarding the Plaintiff and the events that led to the arrest is hereby set aside and the Plaintiff is deemed not to have previously been arrested for that crime; and 2. The Clerk of the Court shall forward a certified copy of this Order to all appropriate criminal justice agencies; and 3. The records of arrest in this case shall be sealed, together with other official Court records in this case, including investigation reports of involved law enforcement agencies concerning the events that led to the arrest. ________________________________________ Page 1 of 1 � Order to Set Aside and Seal Records of Arrest American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com FC (2/10/16)