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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH In the Matter of the Marriage of , Petitioner, and , Respondent ))))))))))) Case No. PETITIONER222S RESPONDENT222S EX PARTE MOTION FOR ORDER to SHOW CAUSE re TEMPORARY ORDERS re: CUSTODY / PARENTING TIME MOTION I, , request that the Court issue an Order to Show Cause (Print your name) requiring the Petitioner Respondent to appear at a hearing to determine whether the following Page 1 of 2 226 EX PARTE MOTION for ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE re TEMPORARY ORDERSAmerican LegalNet, Inc. Read the following section . P lace your initials at the end of this line after you have read it. I understand that if my motion involves a request for temporary custody or parenting time, I and the other parent must participate in MEDIATION ORIENTATION before the hearing (unless a Judge grants a waiver). (Info is at 503/988-3189 or ). Mediation in my case: [ ] Has already occurred, on (date) , or is scheduled for (date). [ ] Is being ordered by a separate document I am presenting with this motion. [ ] Has already been waived in this case in a court order signed on date). I also understand that we must each complete a PARENT EDUCATION CLASS approved by the Court, as soon as possible. If I am the person requesting temporary relief about custody or parenting time, I understand that I must complete the class and file the completion certificate before the court hearing. (Info at 503/988-3087 or My motion is based on ORS 107.095 (and ORS 109.103 if I am unmarried) and the attached Declaration. Certificate of Document Preparation. You are required to truthfully complete this certificate regarding the document you are filing with the court. Check all boxes and complete all blanks that apply: [ ] I selected this document for myself and I completed it without any paid assistance. [ ] I paid, or will pay, money to for assistance in preparing this form. Date Signature Submitted by: Submitting Party, Print Name Telephone or Contact Telephone Address or Contact Address City / State / Zip Page 2 of 2 226 EX PARTE MOTION for ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE re TEMPORARY ORDERS (05/15) American LegalNet, Inc.