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Articles Of Organization (Domestic LLC) Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Business Registry Secretary Of State.
Tags: Articles Of Organization (Domestic LLC), 100, Oregon Secretary Of State, Business Registry
Articles of Organization - Limited Liability CompanySecretary of State - Corporation Division - 255 Capitol St. NE, Suite 151 - Salem, OR 97310-1327 - - Phone: (503) 986-2200 In accordance with Oregon Revised Statute 192.410-192.490, the information on this application is public record.We must release this information to all parties upon request and it will be posted on our website.For office use only REGISTRY NUMBER:Please Type or Print Legibly in Black ink. Attach Additional Sheet if Necessary.1.NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: (Must contain the words "Limited Liability Company" or the abbreviations "LLC" or "L.L.C.") 2.DURATION: (Please check one.) Duration shall be perpetual. Latest date upon which the Limited Liability Company is to dissolve is4.REGISTERED AGENT: (Individual or entity that will accept legal service for this business)5.REGISTERED AGENT'S PUBLICLY AVAILABLE ADDRESS:(Must be an Oregon Street Address, which is identical to the registered agent's office.)6.ADDRESS WHERE THE DIVISION MAY MAIL NOTICES: 10.NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON WHO IS FORMINGTHIS BUSINESS: (ORGANIZER) 7.HOW WILL THIS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BE MANAGED? This LLC will be member-managed by one or more members. This LLC will be manager-managed by one or more managers.8.IF RENDERING A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ORSERVICES, DESCRIBE THE SERVICE(S) BEING RENDERED: 12.MANAGERS: (MANAGERS) (Names and Addresses) Articles of Organization - Limited Liability Company 11/17)PHONE NUMBER: (Include area code)CONTACT NAME: (To resolve questions with this filing)Free copies are available at using the Business Name Search program.Processing Fees are nonrefundable. Please make check payable to "Corporation Division".Required Processing Fee $100 FEES 14.EXECUTION/SIGNATURE OF EACH PERSON WHO IS FORMING THIS BUSINESS: (Organizer)I declare as an authorized signer, under penalty of perjury, that this document does not fraudulently conceal, fraudulently obscure, fraudulently alter or otherwise misrepresent the identity of the person or any members, managers, employees or agents of the limited liability company. This filing has been examined by me and is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct, and complete. Making false statements in this document is against the law and may be penalized by fines, imprisonment or both. TITLE: PRINTED NAME: SIGNATURE: 9.OPTIONAL PROVISIONS: (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.) BENEFIT COMPANY: The Limited Liability Company is a benefit company subject to sections 1 to 11 of chapter 269, Oregon Laws 2013. (additional requirements apply) INDEMNIFICATION:The company elects to indemnify its members, managers, employees, agents for liability and related expenses under ORS 63.160 - 63.170. SEE ATTACHEDORS 58.015(5)(m) 3.PRINCIPAL OFFICE: (Must be a physical street address) 11.OWNERS: (MEMBERS) (Names and Addresses) List the name and address of at least one individual who is a member or manager of the LLC or an authorized representative with direct knowledge of the operations and business activities of the LLC. 13.INDIVIDUAL WITH DIRECT KNOWLEDGE (Name and Address) LIST MEMBERS AND/OR MANAGERS NAMES AND ADDRESSES (MAY BE REQUIRED BY YOUR BANK) American LegalNet, Inc.