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Motion for Default DR-Gen-Default-Mo-Decl-2019-08-01 Page 1 of 2 (Aug 2019) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF Case No: Petitioner and EX PARTE MOTION FOR ORDER OF DEFAULT and DECLARATION IN SUPPORT Respondent Motion Based on the attached Declaration, Petitioner requests that this court grant an Order entering the default of Respondent and directing entry of judgment. Statement of Points and Authorities ORCP 69 requires the court or clerk to enter an order of default on a showing by affidavit or declaration that a party against whom a judgment is sought has been served with Summons or is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Court and has failed to plead or otherwise defend within the time set by law. Declaration Respondent was served with the Summons, Petition and other documents required by law in County, State of , on (date) and has not made an appearance within the time required by law. Respondent has not provided me with written notice of intent to appear. or Respondent provided me with written notice of intent to appear and I filed and served written notice of intent to apply for default at least 10 days before filing this motion, or fewer days as permitted by the court. Respondent is not now, and was not at the time of the service of the Petition and Summons, incapacitated, a minor, a financially incapable person, a protected person, or a Respondent in a fiduciary protective proceeding, as defined by ORS 125.005, and (check one of the following): The Respondent is not now, and was not at the time of service of the Petition and Summons, in active military service of the United States. Provide facts supporting this statement: The Respondent is now, or was at the time of service of the Petition and Summons, in active military service of the United States. Respondent has waived his or her rights under the Servicemembers222 Civil Relief Act, as shown by the attached waiver, labeled Exhibit . American LegalNet, Inc. Motion for Default DR-Gen-Default-Mo-Decl-2019-08-01 Page 2 of 2 (Aug 2019) I am unable to determine whether or not Respondent is now, or was at the time of the service of the Petition and Summons, in active military service of the United States. Provide any facts you do know: I request the relief specified in the attached Judgment. Costs and fees are allowable under ORS 107.105(1)(j) or 107.490(4). I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I understand they are made for use as evidence in court and I am subject to penalty for perjury. Date Signature Name (printed) Contact Address City, State, ZIP Contact Phone American LegalNet, Inc.